Feb 232015
The Examination and Trial of Father Christmas,...

Image via Wikipedia

Unless you are living somewhere under a rock or at the bottom of the ocean, you know now, it is almost Christmas!  Yes Sunday is the big day when a large part of the world celebrates the birth of Jesus and most of us celebrate the wonderfulness of the credit card.

As of mid morning on Sunday, our house will be awash in torn paper and giggles as the kids delight in what Santa will bring them.  I will just be wanting a nap I am sure. We get reminded about what and who we should be remembering during the season all too often, yet there are some people that seem to be forgotten.  If you work at a store that is open on Christmas, you should quit right now.

There are however, those who have to work on Christmas, and those are the Emergency Services people. Police, Fire Departments and hospitals will be open and running over the holiday, they can’t be closed.  If you are lucky or unlucky enough to run into one of these type of people during Christmas, say Thanks to them for working.

It may be that fireman who puts out your house after the tree catches fire, the cop who pulls you over for having too much Christmas cheer, or the Ambulance driver who rushes you to the hospital when Grandmas turkey was just a bit *too* underdone.

Then don’t forget the doctors and nurses who will be there to pump your stomach and give you some groovy feel better meds.  Yes my wife will be working the afternoon of Christmas this year as they all get a turn in the nursing field, but then again, if people were not prone to doing stupid things and getting hurt there would be no need for them.  Unless you count the heart attacks and salmonella poisonings.

From all of us here at Cantankerous Old Coots, we would like to wish you a Merry Christmas, or if you are one of those who doesn’t celebrate Christmas, well, I will stoop and say Happy Holidays.

We are not done for the year, but this weekend is, unless Ralph tears himself away from the family to put up a news service post.  Don’t count on it, he has permission to skip Christmas.  Even I am not that much of a Scrooge.

Merry Christmas everyone.

-Justin and the rest of the Coots, Bob and Ralph.

Merry Christmas to All And to All a Good Fight...

Image via Wikipedia


Justin is the young Coot with a Cantankerous Soul who continues to be educated by older, more cootish Ralph and Bob. His Cantankerosity is his own.

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Dec 222010
Image via Wikipedia

Have you heard this one?  Wait, here is a disclaimer before I even start.  If you want to keep up some delusion of the greatness of the country and faith in humanity at Christmas time, don’t read further.  This story makes me cringe.

Let’s start at the beginning.  It was a lovely morning in Prince William County, Virginia near Christmas.  At one public high school a group of 10 boys gets together wearing hideous Christmas sweaters and singing carols to their fellow students.  They call themselves the Christmas Sweater Club and I think it sounds like a very nice thing to do.

If that is not enough Christmas Cheer, the boys began to hand out those small candy canes wrapped in plastic.  This is where it goes downhill on a greased rocket sled.  The boys get detention and disciplinary action for their kind and fun loving actions.

They were accused of trying to maim and injure fellow students, with the mini candy canes!  I was unaware of the lethality of the Candy Cane besides getting it stuck in your throat.  Apparently, you can sharpen the candy cane with your mouth and use it to inflict harm.  I was not aware of this but there it is.  Don’t stare too closely at the picture over there, you could poke your eye out.

These kids are also getting nailed for littering and creating a disturbance.  It seems the principal had told them that not everyone wants Christmas cheer and they should keep it to themselves.  What a crock of reindeer poop.  I know of one principal that should be on Santa’s Naughty list and probably deserves a swift kick in the pants from the rest of the country.

I hope that this doesn’t discourage these fine young men from continuing to spread the Christmas cheer to their fellow man.  We need Christmas and things to belive in without so much hate as this principal seems to have.  Screw her, good luck to these kids.

Here is a link to the video of the story from the local news.  Watch it and try not to be outraged, then tell me what you are thinking in the comments below.  Especially you, sitting there reading this who hasn’t commented before.  Yes you in the blue shirt.  Please comment already!

Also, share on the social networks if you would be so kind…Thank you and Merry Christmas.  If you don’t celebrate Christmas, Happy Holidays.  If you don’t celebrate holidays, we could probably use a guest post because you are more cantankerous than I am.


  • Don’t Throw Canes & Don’t Sing Christmas Songs (gadabout-blogalot.com)


Justin is the young Coot with a Cantankerous Soul who continues to be educated by older, more cootish Ralph and Bob. His Cantankerosity is his own.

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