Mar 232021

So my son has decided that this world is not good enough for him. Damn 17 year olds and High School anyway. We got to deal with him being sullen and bitchy through December, and finally getting violent toward his younger brother. That led to a round of mental health intervention, and a visit to his doctor. That didn’t go so well, and we had to watch him and put away all of the kitchen knives and ropes and medicine and other things that he could hurt himself with.

But that wasn’t enough for my son, no, he had to get to the doctor again and scare the poor guy so bad that he was put into the ER and finally to an inpatient psych facility on suicide watch. *^&&^er. That was a hard week. We would get updates from the social worker and the psychaiatrist that told us my son didn’t want to try to get better and we had to watch him closer.

He finally came home and was a bit better, and things seemed to be going ok, until I got a call at work that my wife was taking him to the hospital because the son of a bitch skipped school, went to Wal-Mart and took a whole big bottle of ibuprophen. One of the things he said he would never try because overdoes didn’t always succeed. I couldn’t do much so I stayed at work and ranted. And raved. and plotted painful things to do to my own son.

He went from the ER to the ICU because he was delirious, vomiting, and could have trouble breathing. He managed to get through all of that but doesn’t remember any of it. *&^%^$er. He couldn’t even pee for a while, at least he had to be cathed 7 times and he remembers how uncomfortable that was. He didn’t need a ventilator and ultimately didn’t have any kidney or liver or heart damage. I want to still give him brain damage. With Dr. Justin’s new Axe Handle Therapy.

He went to another inpatient psych unit after that. With a suicide attempt he has screwed himself out of so many opportunities in his life. Allfor attention and the hatred of me and my wife. (^%*er. He spent a week there facing hard truths and hopefully seeing his crap for what it is.

He wants to leave home as soon as he turns 18. He will fail at it. He is not prepared for life. No, I don’t want him to leave. I am not kicking him out. but the (^&*&%er is going to do it anyway just to spite me and my wife. He is home now, and we are trying to figure out all of this life again. He has lost all trust, most priveleges and his debit card.

I don’t know what to do most of the time now. I vacillate between wanting to let him just go, locking him in a closet, or handcuffing him to the bed. I wan’t things to be normal, or at least better. I don’t want the axe handle therapy to be a real thing, but it may or may not be sitting right next to my bed.

All in all, this world is falling fast to the depths of hell. With so many kids getting down and suicide being a thing that is nearly socialliy acceptable that is so far from right it is not funny. These kids think that they can get some attention and get what they need without working on it themselves and trying. Let’s give these kids everything and teach them to quit when things start to get hard. Yea that was a great plan. If you try to push the kids to be normal and learn how to work they bitch to their friends and then this shit happens.

It is all screwed up for sure. What do you all think?



Justin is the young Coot with a Cantankerous Soul who continues to be educated by older, more cootish Ralph and Bob. His Cantankerosity is his own.

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Mar 232021

Ok, so this blog has been gathering dust for a while now, but I need to rant, and it will not be PG rated like my other blogs.

So, backstory. My second daughter is now 14. When she was 1 we found out she had a genetic kidney disease that required 4 months in the hospital, both of her kidneys removed and then 2 years of dialysis and finally a kidney transplant to “fix”. That transplant was her birthday present when she was 3. Well that transplant has now lasted 11 years and is finally failing. She is now on the transplant list again. That is a whole other world of headaches.

Now the rant portion. Apparently Primary Children’s hospital here in Salt Lake City, Utah is one step down from God’s own throne. I keep returning to calling it the glass castle on the hill, and boy do they act like they should be deified. Not everyone up there, but the team we are working with now, hold deep fried crap I want to punch some of them. One good thing about the COVID beast’s rampage: It is keeping me from homicide.

Ever since they (and by they I mean the kidney doctors and nurses or “team” from now on) got a ton of new kidney patients, they had to reallocate the care managers for each kid. We went from a completely competent ex ICU nurse to a sniveling little toad of a man who doesn’t even deserve the title of RN. My wife, an ex ER nurse, could out nurse him any day of the week from a wheelchair, blindfolded. He may know what he is doing, but I am not convinced. The worm does not get to try and pass off his insecurities and lack of proper manhood, not to mention his sticking his foot in his mouth, on my wife, saying that she is not capable of relaying his messages. People would die if she couldn’t relay messages in the ER, and do 4 other things at once. Yes there has been more than once where we have almost made him cry, overloading his tiny brain with big words and information. Now she will not talk to him without me being on the phone too, because she doesn’t want to kill him either. I still want to kill him, but I will hold off for a while, at least until I won’t be the first suspect.

Now, this is not a kid. He is at least 40, and may not make it much past that if he keeps at me. He doesn’t get to tell me how to care for my daughter and what she needs without consulting either me, my wife (who I have already said is in the thousands of percentage points better at being a nurse than he is) or even, wait for it, the patient herself. At 14, my daughter is more than capable, and expected to be part of the care of her own body. I don’t need some wormy little son of a bitch half assed nurse telling me about her care. If a doctor tells us something, well that is where diagnoses are supposed to come from.


That rant was written about 6 months ago now. I no longer want to kill the sniveling son of a bitch but i wouldn’t mind beating the living hell out of him most of the time.

Now I am still annoyed with the inefficiency of the clinic and the fact that they have no respect for the time of anyone but themselves. I am also annoyed at the University of Utah’s transplant program and how freaking slow they are to get me worked up to donate a kidney for my daughter. That is another rant, that I will get working on for this site.



Justin is the young Coot with a Cantankerous Soul who continues to be educated by older, more cootish Ralph and Bob. His Cantankerosity is his own.

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Mar 272018

A long, long time ago, right here on our own little ball joy that we call Earth there were some really smart guys who invented computers.  Days went by and years passed and those computers went from room sized behemoths to little buggers you can hold in your hand and have room left over for a cheeseburger.  Holes in paper cards were replaced with typed commands and now you can use your finger to do things.  Who would have thunk it?

Rembrandt - The Flayed Ox - WGA19252

Rembrandt – The Flayed Ox – WGA19252 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

During all of this time, when programs were developed for these computers that did more than say yes or no or calculate what 7 X 4 is (28 for you kids who didn’t bother to memorize times tables), people wanted to get into other people’s stuff.  Thus, the hacker was born.  Basically a modern day pirate that probably deserves to be castrated and flayed alive.  For you young’uns out there, being flayed alive is where they basically take the skin from your body while you are wearing it.  I can only hope that the saltwater bath afterwards keeps the germs out.

This week I found out that all of my websites have been infected with malware.  Some sack of *ok, this part you will have to imagine, this blog is only PG-13 rated* infected my sites with some stupid program that tries to make a backdoor into them.  Because they can get so much from my blogs and info sites.  One of the myriad of things that bothers me is that some of these have been going on for a few years, and I had no idea.  I went into the other details over on if you care.  The short of it, I spent the weekend getting rid of some little piece of *again imagine*’s code that was trying to hijack me.

I can only hope that it was a *you know by now* that was at least over 18 doing it.  I am not sure if my brain can handle a 14 year old doing this.  So now, I finally have my sites back, and they work, and I have got the security plugins working correctly.  I am almost sure that it is illegal to hunt these hackers down and make them look like the picture over there, but if I have a chance…things happen, I’m just saying.

Anyone have experience with crap like this?  Let’s rant together down in the comments.


Justin is the young Coot with a Cantankerous Soul who continues to be educated by older, more cootish Ralph and Bob. His Cantankerosity is his own.

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Mar 312015

Birthday, Cake with candles

Image via Wikipedia

Hello everyone. Well, why you are waiting for the next installment from the coots, it has come to my attention that Monday has been gathering cobwebs around here. I guess it is either up to me to change that or delegate it to someone else.

As for today, Facebook has informed me that this is the day that Bob was dug out from under a rock somewhere in the back country and mercilessly prodded into a lifetime of Cantankerosity.

Finally, a thing that Facebook is actually good for. At any rate we here at the Coots, well at least me and I would assume Ralph but his cantankerous button has been turned up to high lately, would like to wish our colleague Bob a Happy Birthday.

I will have to come up with some fancy song like in one of those restaurants who can’t bring themselves to go traditional because of pending charges from Michael Jackson. Wait, Michael is dead, who got all of the Beatles songs and Happy Birthday rights?

Well, happy birthday Bob, I don’t expect tomorrows live broadcast to be too cantankerous, it was just your Birthday after all. But then again, last week all of his plumbing in the yurt tried to go to hell on him.

There is no telling with Bob.

Happy Birthday Brother,

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Justin is the young Coot with a Cantankerous Soul who continues to be educated by older, more cootish Ralph and Bob. His Cantankerosity is his own.

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Feb 232015

This post isn’t particularly cantankerous but it is my cootish responsibility to mix things up for you lay people.  Unpredictability  is cantankerous in itself under the right circumstances.  That is a subject for a later Coot Lesson.  If you don’t like it today, RT this post and leave a comment before waiting until Friday for the next lesson.

Last Friday, I wrote on Catharsis Of The Bogue (my other blog) about unplugging and spending time with your family.  That post is here. Last night I took my older kids to the rodeo.  It was part of our “Days of 47” celebration which is like founders day here in Salt Lake.

I’ll tell you, we went and watched horses and cows flip guys around and into the dirt and I didn’t think once about blogging or what I had to do when I got home.  I didn’t realize it unti llater but it was so good to just be in the moment and to be there with my kids.

This was their first rodeo so they didn’t know what to expect  and they were fascinated at what these guys were doing.  I have been to several and so I explained to them until I was hoarse what was going on and they dug every minute of that 2 1/2 hours.  My 7 year old son didn’t ask once when it was going to be over or when he could watch TV.  The large replay screen mayhave helped with that.  There was some tech  at this rodeo.

It was the first rodeo I had ever been to that started with a laser show.  All in all, I highly recommend taking time out from the electronic pursuits and spending some time unplugged.  I will always recommend the rodeo.  One confession, there was a guy selling shirts there that I talked to about a possible affiliate type collaboration on the net, but that was at intermission so it doesn’t really count.



Justin is the young Coot with a Cantankerous Soul who continues to be educated by older, more cootish Ralph and Bob. His Cantankerosity is his own.

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