Feb 232015

Yesterday on Twitter I sent out an advertisement for this blog.  I said, “Cantankerify Yourself.”  I am now making up words ala our last president, George W. Bush.  But, just because it is not in the dictionary now, doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be there.

Definition in the Coots dictionary:  Cantakerify: V.  1. The act of becoming Cantankerous.  2. V. To educate yourself on the finer points of becoming Cantankerous.  3. V. To be transformed from mild mannered sheep to a Cantankerous Old Coot.  4. To hell with it it means what it means.  If you can’t figure it out Einstein, go somewhere else.

Part of becoming a coot is being able to make stuff up and have the younger generation nod their little sheep heads and agree with your words of wisdom, just because you are older.  I am reminded of Jeff Foxworthy and his bit about his dad being older and yelling at the dog to “gitonouttahere”.  Sounds like a word.  Who is going to argue with the old guy?  He may give you the business end of his walker.

So I am making up words that will become part of the Cantankerous Old Coot subculture.  Some will call it slang, some will embrace it fully.  Some Cantankerous buggers may just ridicule me and beg for the business end of my walker.  Or cane.  Or Baseball Bat…..

This is the site of the Coots.  We exist to rail against the wrongs that society has launched upon us.  We will educate.  We will entertain.  We will Cantankerify.

Are there any words that you feel belong on here?  Let us know in the comments.  I think I may have a dictionary page.  I think I will give a free month subscription to the site to whoever sends in the best word.  You can sign up for our mailing list too and keep up with the Coots.  We won’t bombard you with crap that you don’t want, that is a rant in itself.   The Cantankerous Old Coots are coming and we can’t be stopped!



Justin is the young Coot with a Cantankerous Soul who continues to be educated by older, more cootish Ralph and Bob. His Cantankerosity is his own.

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