Nov 262014

Sorry Ralph…sorry Justin…but the numbers are in, and they only look good for me.

**Congrats Bob, here is your award…Justin

Bob@HayleStorm Interactive

Bob comes to us with a skeptical attitude and a full cup of Cantankerousness. He also writes about homesteading and yurts over at and rants about politics at Most of the time, though, you'll find him at, cranking out great websites for clients OR writing tutorials teaching them to build their own sites.

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  15 Responses to “The Gloat”

  1. Surprisingly restrained of you lol.

    Though I would like to point out that the approach to the competition was fundamentally flawed. Bob, you got first crack at it, so in essence your post was the introduction and the ‘interesting’ new concept of having the three of you duke it out.

    The further through you went, the more people are likely to get bored.

    However, that aside, you dun good 😉 and the point that made the difference was in the interaction after the post.

  2. Hather, you have a point…sorta…but you could look at it from the other direction as well.

    Thy had something to play off of, stuff to work with. I started out cold with nothing but a blank slate…or, another way to look at it…they baked their cake out of a full pantry while I baked mine with ingredients I scrounged from closets and out of the yard…LOL.

  3. True, but to follow the pantry analogy; what good is more cake when you’re already full?

    I mean you’ll get to it eventually, but right that second its like you grandmother offering you your fifth helping. 😉

  4. hmmm…I think Heather just said I was full of it. Gonna have to think about that one…LOL

  5. Bob,

    Nobody loves a sore winner!

  6. Bob…You kicked ass and have the right to gloat.

  7. Oh well, congrats Bob. You know what they say about breaking your arm patting yourself on the back….

    I knew I should have deleted some of those comments when they came in.

    Nice video though, I see that things are working now, can’t wait for more.

  8. Thanks Justin, though I would have expected a different award. You know I had a goat dairy…I would have expected “An old goat for an old goat” or something similar…LOL

  9. @bob, you tangle with Heather at you’re own risk. Just give me some advance notice so I can pop up some popcorn.

  10. Dave…I ain’t messin’ with Heather. You’ve admitted your niche is the nuts and bolts…that you can’t write or design. Well, I’ll cover the writing…I think I can handle that…but I need Heather for design on the remodel.

    I’m not messing with Heather…I’m one of a lucky few to have recovered from a case of “stupid”.

  11. Lmao, you guys make it sound like I bite and breathe fire. I approve =)

  12. Y’all didn’t pay much attention to the video. I intentionally put a mistake in it…and nobody caught it…LOL

  13. Maybe we just assumed that was normal *innocent smile*

  14. I missed the mistake too, I guess I did think it was normal with the grain of salt I need to get through anything Bob says. 🙂

  15. Bob,
    You think we are that dumb? As we all know you are even smarter than Hilary Clinton. You don’t make mistakes. You just want another chance to make us look foolish!

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