Mar 112012


English: Google Streetview cars parking in fro...

Image via Wikipedia

Well folks, this is another edition of the CNS for March 11 2012.  Next week Ralph will be back form Venice and his cantankerous take on the news will be your to enjoy again.  As for today, I have a couple of things for you.  I didn’t dig as deep for news because, again, the news is just depressing.

Lets get started with: Outdoor urinator sues Google Streetview after being caught in the act

Now this is rather funny.  Google street view is fun to play with, we have used it to map out our trips to Disneyland in the past, and to see what our house looked like 3 years ago.  I have read stories about people flashing the camera and trying to get their body parts shown to the world.  But can’t a man pee in his driveway in peace?? Apparently not.

 US soldier kills 16 Afghans, deepening crisis

You know, I wholeheartedly support our troops but this makes me wonder.  What was the provocation and why are we treated to one side of the story and a sterile “we are looking into it” response?   I have to believe there was a reason and not just wanton slaughter.

User big brother 1984

Image via Wikipedia

At SXSW, apps buzz is location, location, location

It seems that SXSW is now Big Brother…I sense the government behind this somewhere.

Storied carrier, ‘the Big E,’ makes final voyage

It is the end of another era.  Another reminder of how things come and go, and how we are all destined for a scrapyard somewhere.

Carnival for testicular cancer raises funds, awareness

Raise your hand if you think that this story was chosen just so I could get the word ‘testicle’ in a post!  All of you? Correct.  I couldn’t pass up a carnival for testicles story.  Sure it is a good cause but I think I would be uncomfortable being there.  All I can think of is that game where you pound the lever with a hammer and try to hit the bell on top…smashing a testicle and shooting the thing up a giant penis toward the gong….

If you look, there is not anything related to a testicle at this thing.


And finally, Ralph sent me this story, it hit him even in Venice.


My mixed feelings for this story have had me debating for 3 days.  First of all, this sounds like a bad idea.  I don’t want my kids eating Pink Slime.  It sounds like something they dump on you when you get a question wrong in that game show.  Then you see the process.  Even that has good and bad with it.  Use all the meat possible- Good.  That meat being fit for dogs until liberally doused with Ammonia? Bad.  This is exactly why my kids don’t get to eat school lunch anymore.

And it is all legal and sanctioned by the USDA, a government agency that is supposed to help us avoid things like this.  Check out some of the other links below about pink slime and prepare to be outraged.  Where is the FDA in all this?  We can’t get lifesaving medications approved for use in this country, ones that have been helping Europeans for years, but we can let our kids eat this crap???

I want to backhand someone.

Tell the USDA: Don’t buy any more pink slime for school lunches. Click here to automatically sign the petition.

Have a good week folks.


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Justin is the young Coot with a Cantankerous Soul who continues to be educated by older, more cootish Ralph and Bob. His Cantankerosity is his own.

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  5 Responses to “Coots News Service for 11 Mar 2012, Testicles, Urine, and Pink Slime”

  1. I agree on your take on the soldier. There must be a deeper reason behind his actions. Trust the military to be walking on eggshells all for some government policy.

  2. ha, I bet Google didn’t see that one coming, u gotta laugh though and i hope that guy won’t be doing his business on the street anymore…even his own driveway

  3. thanks for these great informations.

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