Feb 232015

Folks…I try to make the “Tinfoil Hat Club” videos look as spontaneous as possible, but the fact is they are usually scripted. Not this time. This time I just got mad and did the video totally off the cuff…I apologize for it not being very “polished”.Rules for Radicals

Barack Obama proved he is a Saul Alinsky believer…you know, the author of “Rules for Radicals”… and that he (Obama) believes “the end justifies the means”…even if the means include intentionally inviting a terrorist attack ON PURPOSE for political gain…to promote his communist…yes, I said communist, not just socialist…agenda.

I know this show is called “The Tinfoil Hat Club”, but there are no tinfoil hat similarities here…just hard, straightforward facts that cannot be denied. My interpretation of those facts? Well…you’ll have to decide that for yourself. Continue reading »

Bob@HayleStorm Interactive

Bob comes to us with a skeptical attitude and a full cup of Cantankerousness. He also writes about homesteading and yurts over at JuicyMaters.com and rants about politics at Common-Sense-Conversation.com Most of the time, though, you'll find him at HayleStorm.net, cranking out great websites for clients OR writing tutorials teaching them to build their own sites.

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Feb 232015
Français : Un Starbucks à Paris (France)

Français : Un Starbucks à Paris (France) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Quelle Horreur

What I like about traveling is seeing new places, learning how people live in other countries and finding out a few things about myself along the way. At least that’s the way I tell the story. In truth what I like most is when I can visit an exotic place without adjusting at all. I prefer the comfortable over the new.

It’s that way most of the time. I remark about the abundance of McDonald’s, carefully avoiding any patronage. I have smeared at Starbucks. I laughed at how we never heard anything but American music in Belgium. But even the most opinionated of culture snobs is forced to confess that things can get too strange. And so, as we start our second week in France, I find myself asking, “Where are the Starbucks?” Continue reading »


Ralph is the inspiration for Cantankerous Old Coots and is our Grand Duke of Cantankerousness

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Feb 232015

Last week , when I wrote here about new TSA groping frisking procedures I had no idea the issue would flame up as it has.  Now, it seems, the whole country is up in arms (or has their arms up, ready to be felt up frisked) over the TSA’s intrusiveness.  “Don’t touch my junk!” has gone viral.  Folks, this is just the most recent, most visible, and most outrageous of the government’s ignoring of basic constitutional limits.

Here are a few things you thought you could do…that you should be able to do constitutionally…that you can’t do.  Some laws ignore rights at the federal level, some at the state level, and some at the local level.  Some are serious rights violations, some are silly, and some are downright stupid…but all are a bit more of a slide down a slippery slope:

1.       Grow wheat in your backyard.  Really…according to US law, and backed up by a 1932 Supreme Court decision, it is illegal to grow wheat in your yard for your personal consumption.  Why?  It might destroy the wheat market, thus interfering in interstate commerce.  Details?  Google it…don’t take my word for it…anything you read here needs Ronald Reagan’s admonition to “trust but verify”.

2.       You cannot sell milk from your cow to your neighbor.  In most states, the sale of unpasteurized milk for human consumption is illegal, as it the transportation of such milk across state lines.  Let’s think about this for a second.  A naturally produced product, raw milk, is not safe or legal for human consumption in the form that God made it, but it CAN be sold it once corporate America is allowed to make it an adulterated product through pasteurization.  In other words, the USDA, FDA, and CDC, along with various state level agencies, are smarter than and know more than God.

Can you spell arrogance?

3.       You and your Boy Scout troop cannot, in a burst of patriotism, spontaneously break out singing the Star Spangled Banner while visiting the Lincoln Memorial (or other Washington monuments).  It is considered a demonstration and you must get a permit first.

4.       In Roselle Park, New Jersey you cannot sleep in public, so if you are drowsy while waiting at a bus stop for the bus, don’t doze off.  You might find yourself as a visitor at the local Graybar Hotel.

5.       You know those cakes and pastries you bake that your church sells at church fundraisers?  In more and more states you can’t do that anymore.  You can’t sell foods that aren’t prepared in state approved and inspected kitchens…and your granny’s kitchen doesn’t count.

6. You can’t dye your white poodle’s paws pink for Halloween, even when you use an animal-safe dye.  A Jacksonville, Florida woman was fined $255 for doing so, with the judge calling it animal abuse.  There aren’t any murders, rapes, or robberies in Jacksonville for the cops to deal with?

7.       In many towns…towns, not subdivisions with Homeowners’ Associations…you can’t groom your yard according to your standards.  The local government has passed laws governing how tall your grass can be.  Then they hire an Ordinance Enforcement Officer using YOUR tax money, to run around with a badge, a ticket book, and a tape measure looking for yards that aren’t cut to their standards.

Yet you think the constitution assures you of property owner’s rights, right?

8.       In Atlanta, Georgia you can’t legally walk down the street on Sundays with an ice cream cone in your back pocket.  Really.  I swear.

9.       In California you can’t build a deck on your house if the shadow of the deck, not the deck itself, falls on a spot in your yard that holds standing water more than 10 days a year.  According to California environmental protection rules, upheld by the state court, such a spot, regardless how small, qualifies as a protected wetland, and it cannot be affected in any way by a manmade influence…including the shade of a deck…so call your architect and have your deck plan redesigned, after getting the environmental impact assessment done first.  Loving those constitutionally protected property owner’s rights more and more…

10.   In Gainesville, Georgia you cannot eat fried chicken with a fork.  Silly?  Yes.  A PR stunt for the country’s chicken capital?  Yes again…but also indicative of government’s attitude about them ruling us.

Some of these seem trivial…not eating fried chicken with a fork comes to mind…and some seem serious, like your group not being allowed a spontaneous display of patriotism at a national monument, but all show a creeping trend of the government taking away rights, “…all men are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights…” that they have no legal power to take away.

We have awakened over the last two years, and now we face a choice, a decision.

We can figure that we did our job, that the recent election sent a message our politicians heard and will heed without further action from us.  We can fall back asleep on the couch, watching American Idol or Dancing With the Stars and guzzling a beer, or…

We can realize that it is not just our armed forces who must take to heart the saying “Freedom isn’t free”…we must do our part.  Write our congressman, write letters to the editor of our local papers, show up at meetings our elected officials…local, state, and federal…will attend.  Praise them when they act in a manner that shows they know that they work for us, we don’t work for them, and call them out, loudly, bluntly, and often, when they don’t.

I know my choice…I actually enjoy pulling politicians’ chains…what’s yours?  Stay awake, or go back to sleep?

Bob@HayleStorm Interactive

Bob comes to us with a skeptical attitude and a full cup of Cantankerousness. He also writes about homesteading and yurts over at JuicyMaters.com and rants about politics at Common-Sense-Conversation.com Most of the time, though, you'll find him at HayleStorm.net, cranking out great websites for clients OR writing tutorials teaching them to build their own sites.

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It’s Father’s Day!

 Posted by at 11:02  rants
Feb 232015

Nothing important in wussified America

Father’s Dayi is the least hyped holiday of the year because America has written off fathers. Father’s get no respect. Father’s get no adulation! Father’s can’t win in today’s wimpified, testosterone hating culture smog.  Fatherhood today is  only good for a laugh.

No news report for this week.

I”m passing on the news this week for a rant about the degradation of fatherhood in today’s society. Why do we celebrate Father’s Day while father’s have become a joke and manhood a distant memory. Nobody respects men or fathers anymore and that’s the truth.

Fatherhood is marginalized, trivialized and mocked every way you look.

When Father mattered

It’s hard enough being a man these days because the deck is stacked against you. I’ve lived through the whole process because back in the 50’s when I grew up, father’s ruled. Dad was important whether you loved him or hated him. He supported the household,;he ruled the roost; he took care of mom; he protected the family. Back in those days, the culture was filled with strong, admirable and wise fathers. Father Knows Best, Leave it to Beaver, Ozzie and Harriet were TV shows that featured a wise, confident and loving father figure. Kids watching those shows might recognize failings in their own fathers but they could see that the intent was there. Dad might not be Ward Cleaver but he kept the lights on, food on the table and the wolf from the door. He also did his best to make sure you didn’t do every foolish thing that seemed so important to you at the time.

Then the world went mad. 

Then came the 60’s where the seeds were planted and the 70’s when the wheels came off the bus, culturally speaking. Woman’s lib and feminism went beyond opening careers and life options to women and invested in a campaign to destroy men. To feminists, men were the reason for the ‘oppressive’ state of women, stuck in the kitchen- barefoot and pregnant with no way to matter in life. To do this theny needed to destroy men and the family. They succeeded so well that we all believed it was progress.

A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle

The general idea was that the only reason that women stayed in the home was male oppression. Men and women were exactly the same- except for the plumbing. At least that is how it started but soon, the libbers discovered that women were actually superior because they didn’t have all that nasty testosterone. During the Vietnam War, you would always hear how men were the cause of every problem including war.  It was easy to  blame our involvement on the nasty male nature. If women were in charge, no such silliness would be tolerated. We would all just get along.  The world would be perfect.  Just neuter all the men.

Looking back it is easy to see what a silly lie it all was- and how devastatingly effective it was in wimpifying America. Many men got suckered into intense guilt about being in charge. They needed to show that they weren’t oppressors. They needed to be sensitive and show their sensitive side. And inside they were relieved to learn that they didn’t have to take responsibility for anything. It wasn’t their job to take care of a woman or a family. That was oppression.  They could just relax, enjoy themselves and let the world go to hell in a hand basket. Women could fend for themselves. It was so liberating.

I recovered  slowly

It took me years to get over this confusion and realize that although my wife was intelligent, had her own career and could take care of herself, we were both much better as a team then we were as individuals. In fact all the while the kids were at home, she was constantly prodding me to be the man. It was only with difficulty that I began to step up to my job.

These days with with so many children being raised by single mothers- with the glorification and financial backing of government, I wonder if it will be possible to restore the institution of fatherhood and the importance of men to a free society. Having lived through the devaluation and being a willing participant, I understand the siren call of irresponsibility and self-indulgence. But I also appreciate the satisfaction of having my kids tell me how much they respect me now that they are grown. Along the way I suffered. When my first born stopped talking to me in high school, it was hard to believe that I was doing the right thing. It wasn’t until after he moved out on his own that we gradually began to talk again. Fatherhood is no picnic but at this stage in my life, it’s the only thing I did that still has meaning. How ever valuable I may have believed myself to be at work, few people at my old workplaces know who I am or care. My son’s are my legacy.

So today on Father’s Day, I just want all fathers to enjoy the most important responsibility of their life- taking care of their families. Do what you think is right and don’t despair when it all seems to go terribly wrong. It does matter. Your wife needs you- whatever Gloria Steinem might say and your children, both sons and daughters need to know what a strong man is: a role model for sons and an inspiration for daughters when they seek a mate.

There is nothing wrong with strong women but there is definitely something wrong with  weak men and that is the legacy of woman’s liberation. Don’t buy into it!

These days with with so many children being raised by single mothers- with the glorification and financial backing of government, I wonder if it will be possible to restore the institution of fatherhood.  Are we still raising men that can take care of themselves and their families?  I hope so but I wonder if it is too late.


Ralph is the inspiration for Cantankerous Old Coots and is our Grand Duke of Cantankerousness

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Feb 232015

Folks…it is hard to believe how dumb many a DA can be…all over the country. Last week in Georgia, this week in Pennsylvania…the DA DA’s seem to be running amok.


Bob@HayleStorm Interactive

Bob comes to us with a skeptical attitude and a full cup of Cantankerousness. He also writes about homesteading and yurts over at JuicyMaters.com and rants about politics at Common-Sense-Conversation.com Most of the time, though, you'll find him at HayleStorm.net, cranking out great websites for clients OR writing tutorials teaching them to build their own sites.

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