Jun 032012

Everybody loves a party! 

Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II X

Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II X (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

And with the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee there is just no way to avoid the Queen this week. While she way not qualify as cantankerous or a coot, she is definitely old. You have to agree that she is still on her game after 60 years on the job. How many of us can say that? I don’t care much a about royalty. Here in the states we’ve had an aversion to royalty for going on 250 years. These days the Royals don’t actually do much about running the UK but they do symbolize the history of England and the Empire at a time when Europe is sinking into irrelevance and profligacy. Who am I to begrudge a little celebration that helps remind us that England used to matter.

I remember the Coronation.

The Queen has a 16 year head start on me. I was 12 when she was crowned back in 1953. Even a twelve year old boy noticed the big event. If I remember right it was televised live which was quite remarkable back then. Nobody cared that it was black and white. It was a big deal.

Now sixty years later, the Queen is still going strong with a big celebration this weekend. She may not be a coot but she is an original. She may not be cantankerous but she is one of a kind. She may be an anachronism but you can’t ignore her. Whatever your opinion of the UK, it is impossible to imagine the UK without the Queen. She embodies the spirit of the country and makes it larger than life.

So God Save the Queen!

So today the Cantankerous Old Coots celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. She may be rich as Croesus but it’s a job most people wouldn’t want and couldn’t handle for 60 years anyway. She is a credit to the UK and the Coots wish her another 60 years if only to keep the pathetic Price Charles off the throne.

Today’s news stories celebrate the Jubilee and Queen Elizabeth.

A look back at Queen Elizabeth II


Queen Elizabeth II, carrying daffodils.(Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)

And some little known facts about the Queen.

The Queen You Don’t Know: 20 Surprising Facts About Elizabeth II

In celebration of the jubilee, Parliament is planning a sex change for Big Ben.

It WILL be the Elizabeth Tower

And it marks freedom for a turtle.

Caymans freeing turtle to honor British queen

So what’s your take on the Queen and the Jubilee? Much ado about nothing or is it the real thing?  The Coots want your opinion.

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Ralph is the inspiration for Cantankerous Old Coots and is our Grand Duke of Cantankerousness

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May 272012


“Happiness is the perpetual possession of being well deceived.” Jonathon Swift

Happiness mind-map

Happiness mind-map (Photo credit: EEPaul)

One of the tenets of our country’s founding is ‘the pursuit of happiness’. We take it for granted and yet is one of the most troubling bit’s of thinking our founding fathers embraced. So many people have such different ideas about happiness and these days many openly challenge the idea that happiness is a good thing after all.

What is happiness?

Is happiness being sated with the things you enjoy? Is happiness hard work? Whose happiness are we talking about- yours or mine? What we miss is that it isn’t happiness that our forebears celebrated. It is the pursuit- the challenge and opportunity of the hunt.  It is the hunt which is the spirit of the free enterprise system which is the bane of enlightened elitists around the world.

No wonder the top news story today is about Germany where enlightened elitism got its start and where it’s light burns brightest today. Germany, the shining star of the European Union, the beacon of inspiration for the enlightened elitists worldview today, the economic engine of Europe, is the home of people incapable of happiness.

Study Finds Germans Incapable of Enjoying Life

Now, the biggest difficulty in analyzing this story is pinning down the definition of happiness and the confusion today between owning things and being happy. Most studies mistakenly assume that if you have possessions, you will be happy. A few studies take more factors into consideration like freedom and opportunity with surprising results.

Finland is hot.

According to Prosperity.com, Germany is 15th in the world for happiness. Seems pretty impressive, right? If the economic leader of the EU is only 15th in the world, then where is troubled Greece? Greece is 40. Playing around with some of the variables gives an insight about why counties have the reputations they do.

How to explain Germany? 

The Greman Legacy

Still the data gathered by Prosperity.com suggest no reason for Germans to be unhappy. They have economic success, a good standard of living and most of the people who remember the 50 year German reign of terror one hundred years ago are dead. No body is afraid of the German military these days. What could possibly be wrong?

I have a theory. 

I don’t have any rigorous studies or scientific findings. I just have a gut feeling. I think that the cold, clear thinking Germans are just too pragmatic and constrained by facts. The are trained to look at those facts clearly and pay no attention to any rainbows and butterflies, They analyze without emotion and weigh only reality, not wishes or dreams. There is no glass half full for Germans, only the harsh reality of the glass half empty. The world isn’t full of promise and hope. Not even hope and change.  The world is bad and getting worse just like the media keeps telling us. The future isn’t a wonderland of opportunity. The future is bleak and ominous. If you are happy, you are a foolish dreamer.

Think and make it so.

You must have heard the old saying that whatever you think is true will become truth. Whatever you expect to happen will happen. I think happiness is built on the present. It’s hard, but not impossible, to be happy when you don’t have a good life but even when you have a good standard of living, if you doubt the future, you can’t be happy. Germans don’t believe that the future will be better than today and they can’t enjoy today’s success because of their ugly vision of the future.

America was built on a dream and Americans still wake up each morning eagerly anticipating a better future they feel is their right. We may be deceived, unlike the Germans, that the future will be brighter and better, but it keeps us going, hoping and dreaming and we are happier as a result.

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Ralph is the inspiration for Cantankerous Old Coots and is our Grand Duke of Cantankerousness

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May 232012

MMMM Samish

Well…the Republican debates are over, the slash and burn trashing the candidates gave each other has died off, and one question remains:

“Did they damage each other so badly in the public’s eyes that folks will stay home from the polls in disgust?

Political columnist and talking head pundit Charles Krauthammer says no, that Obama is so unpopular on the right that, “Even a ham sandwich could beat him.”  That MAY be, but… Continue reading »

Bob@HayleStorm Interactive

Bob comes to us with a skeptical attitude and a full cup of Cantankerousness. He also writes about homesteading and yurts over at JuicyMaters.com and rants about politics at Common-Sense-Conversation.com Most of the time, though, you'll find him at HayleStorm.net, cranking out great websites for clients OR writing tutorials teaching them to build their own sites.

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May 202012

What’s wrong with what we’ve always done? 

One thing this Coot notices is that there seems to be a conspiracy going on. Everyday we are bombarded with news stories, research and other bullshit telling us that everything we know, everything that has been part of human existence, and frankly everything that is good about life is bad for us.  Take food!

All the food that has always been such a pleasure is, of course bad for you. Healthy used to mean hearty natural food like eggs, meat, cheese. The food our farmer forebears needed to fuel their bodies for work on the farm might have been good for them but it is no longer good enough for modern times. Nothing that brings pleasure or tastes good is fit to eat.  At least according to the ‘experts’.

Don't get between a man and meat.

Any what’s more, we buy this drivel. We starve ourselves. We eat tasteless meals and live an existence deprived of enjoyment. All because we want to me one of the sophisticates and fit into the clothes we wore in high school, impossible as that may be. Well today’s first story just shows the desperation and determination of all these revisionists. They want to eliminate meat from our diets.

Meat has always been the perfect food for real men. It’s what has fueled the growth of civilization and powered the great men of history. It is proved in cultures around the world and throughout history. But that is no excuse for the revisionists. In our modern times we have learned the truth about meat and the truth is ugly. Don’t do old Dad in on Father’s Day by cooking him a big steak. Fix him a nice veggieburger.

Men, Meat and Masculinity Linked

Drink up!

Those same revisionists can’t seem to make up their minds about coffee. (Just one more reason to stop listening to them) But today they decree that, in spite of everything published in the past about how bad coffee is, coffee is really good for you- TRUST US.

Does a Coffee a Day Keep the Doctor Away?

Then there is all the buzz about organic food. The ‘experts’ go on and on about the poisons from pesticides and chemicals and how unhealthy they all make the stuff in the grocery stores these days. It makes you sick just to read them but then you go to the grocery store and find that the ‘healthy’ organic stuff costs twice as much. Maybe it is better for you. But then again maybe not. It just might be that we need those extra chemicals.

Does organic food turn people into jerks?

It’s enough to stress you out listening to all these studies and all this revisionist propaganda about how to live. As if thousands of years of history hadn’t already sorted it out. Maybe it’s just that the younger generation is too stressed out. Maybe it is time to teach our kids to relax and go with the flow. In the UK they are putting this into practice so that maybe the next generation will be ready to stop trying to change things and just enjoy life.

The world’s first health resort for stressed-out toddlers



Ralph is the inspiration for Cantankerous Old Coots and is our Grand Duke of Cantankerousness

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May 132012

Happy Mother’s Day

Mother's Day card

Mother's Day card (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

from the Cantankerous Old Coots.

We love mothers.

We love Mother’s Day.

We love all the corny, sentimental music.

We do draw the line at Mother’s Day Brunches however. If Mom needs a Mother’s Day Brunch, she should have had a daughter.

So where did Mother’s Day come from? 

If you are like me, you have no idea who thought up the idea of Mother’s Day although you might have suspected that it was dreamed up in the Hallmark Cards back office. It wasn’t.

Hallmark has profited from Mother’s Day just like the florists and restaurants but the idea was first proclaimed by Julia Ward Howe following the Civil War. It started it’s climb to prominence when  Anna Jarvis trademarked the phrases “second Sunday in May” and “Mother’s Day”, and created the Mother’s Day International Association Creating Mother’s Day was no bed of roses however and Anna had reason later in life to try and reform her creation when it became too commercial for her tastes.

Mother’s Day’s Dark History

Moving right along to today we find many examples of good mothers. For example the Mother of the Year selected by American Mothers Inc.



Time Magazine has it’s own ideas about motherhood and issued this challenge.

Are you Mom enough.

Of course no Mother;s Day is complete without a good movie to celebrate the joys of motherhood and how important mothers are to their sons.

Mother knows best!

Even today, many sons find the movie inspiring and use it’s example to honor their own mothers.

B’klyn man guilty of stealing $100K in benefits by dressing up as dead mom

I hope that learning more about Mother’s Day gets you in the proper spirit to honor the mother’s in your life today and that the news stories provide inspiration for your celebrations.



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Ralph is the inspiration for Cantankerous Old Coots and is our Grand Duke of Cantankerousness

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