May 062012

Sense about cents! 


Large amount of pennies

Large amount of pennies (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It’s another bad week for news. I don’t mean that there isn’t any. There are plenty of news stories but nothing you really need to know. If you wait ‘tll the end of the post, I’ll share Bob’s stories. You don’t need to know them either but, they may provide some diversion.

This week only one story has news you can use. It’s another example of why Canada is eating our lunch these days. Quietly and in small increments, our neighbor to the north is making tweaks that improve their economy. Today’s tweak is the elimination of the penny. It’s a small thing but imagine the many ways this will simplify life for Canadians (and save money to boot).

Do you love pennies? 

In the US, pennies have been nothing but a nuisance for years. People throw them away or stick them in big jars at home because they are such a nuisance. Sixty years ago, we had mills (plastic coins representing one half a cent and one tenth of a cent). Those disappeared after the War as irrelevant. With sixty years of inflation, the cent is worth less than the mill when it disappeard and yet we still are stuck with it. How long before our leaders in Washington show the sense of the powers in Ottowa?

Don’t hold your breath.

Canada penniless as it marks coin’s end

And now for your titillation, Bob’s story of the week.

And what do you think about the penny?  Should we follow the example set by Canada or should we keep it?


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Ralph is the inspiration for Cantankerous Old Coots and is our Grand Duke of Cantankerousness

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