Apr 242012

The Political Coot is no more.  A moment of silence for the show, please.


OK…that’s enough.  Let’s not get carried away.

The Political Coot went on hiatus a few weeks ago, which is another way of saying that I got either a bit lazy or I wasn’t happy with the focus of the show…or both.  Probably both.

So, both have changed.  I’m going to quit being lazy AND the show is changing a bit to be more inline with what I am wanting to do.

Don’t get me wrong…I’ve enjoyed poking fun at the stupidity of government when they do something both stupid AND funny, and frankly you don’t have to look all that hard to find that combination…but it isn’t enough.  Something my daddy told me a long time ago has been bugging me lately:

Son, if all you do is bitch and complain, without offering a fix, you aren’t part of the solution.  You are part of the problem.

Even when it is attempting to inject a bit of humor, that is true, so…

Going forward, each week I’ll be highlighting a problem with government at all levels, proposing a solution that is as simple as possible ( a concept politicians and bureaucrats can’t seem to grasp), and giving a suggestion or two as to what YOU can do to help the solution actually be implemented, so you can be part of the solution too.

Today we are going to ease into it by attacking an easy…and timely, given the recent headlines involving the GSA…problem, that of the federal government wasting taxpayer money.  The problem is obvious, and the solution is simple WITHOUT goring somebody’s favorite oxen by cutting a pet project or program.

Freshman representative Allen West from Florida, elected in 2010 and sworn into office in January of 2011, was able to save over $150,000,000 just by doing what this program would do.


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Bob@HayleStorm Interactive

Bob comes to us with a skeptical attitude and a full cup of Cantankerousness. He also writes about homesteading and yurts over at JuicyMaters.com and rants about politics at Common-Sense-Conversation.com Most of the time, though, you'll find him at HayleStorm.net, cranking out great websites for clients OR writing tutorials teaching them to build their own sites.

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  5 Responses to “The “new and improved” political show…The Tinfoil Hat Club”

  1. Really interesting, I really like these types of deeper content. And the fountain of the topic is endless, there are so many problems with the government… By the way, I really do like your father’s quote, it is so true!

  2. Bob,
    I notice that you are not wearing a tin foil hat during the broadcast. Is that because you have special shielding there in the yurt or are you just too far out in the sticks for it to matter. Living in California I’d like some advice about how to make the best tin-foil hat. Will you be providing instructions?

  3. Well…you start with Reynolds wrap, not the cheap off brand at Wally World, and then….nah…never mind…I’ll save the details for a day when I have a hard time coming up with a post idea and I’ll do a demo then…

  4. Such a great quote of your father! He must be such a smart man…

  5. Yes he was, Jane. I miss him both as a father and for his smarts. Like us all, he had his faults, but a lack of common sense wasn’t one of them.

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