Feb 232015

We don’t care what you think.

Your mother may think you are clever and dote on your every word. You may have been brainwashed in our worthless education system to think that you have value just for breathing. You may even be a pillar in your community, a church elder, a school teacher or even a politician. In the end it doesn’t matter. Here at Coots, your opinion is worthless. If we wanted it, we would ask but we don’t have time to waste arguing about it. It’s a free country for now but every second we get pushed further and further into a world where we can’t say something because somebody else thinks different and we might offend them. Someone seems to have invented a civil right that makes is a crime to offend someone. While we still can; while there is still no addendum to the Bill of Rights to say that all us Americans have a God given right not to be offended, Coots is going on record to say that we don’t care what you think. You can think whatever stupid things you want. You can be a damn fool for all we care and we are pretty confident that you have everything it takes to be the best damn fool there is. We just don’t care. And we will tell you what a fool you are- as often as we can.

Its’ not easy telling it like it is

You would think that that would make us good guys in today’s feel-good world. It doesn’t seem to work that way. Unless you are Al Gore or the New York Times, society frowns on telling people what you think. Everybody is supposed to be smart enough to make up their own mind today. It is just that making up your own mind is reduced to parroting Al Gore or the New York Times. Being smart and making up your own mind is now nothing more than saying the right things at the right time. Nobody knows how to think for themselves or even that they aren’t thinking at all.

We know what we think

We don’t claim to be smart here at Coots. We don’t read the New York Times and we stay as far away from Al Gore as possible (when you get older, you just don’t like to be where it is cold). We do like to think, however. We think a lot. And when we think a lot we just can’t help blurting it all out. So we will. Disagree if you must. You can even add a comment to voice your disagreement. You can shout. You can scream. You can throw a tantrum. But in the end, we don’t care. We just don’t care what you think. We don’t care if you are offended. In fact, we hope you are. Somebody needs to straighten you out.


Ralph is the inspiration for Cantankerous Old Coots and is our Grand Duke of Cantankerousness

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  2 Responses to “Coot Lesson #2 – We Don’t Care What You Think”

  1. I almost wish I had something to rant and scream about in response now. Ah well. Maybe next radical opinion.
    .-= Heather´s last blog ..The Mayans: Intruder! =-.

  2. Heather,
    Go back to lesson 1. Then do Lesson 2.
    .-= Ralph´s last blog ..How I learned to ace blog post maintenance =-.

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