- Image via Wikipedia
Sorry to use the crudity of text slang but this is a PG rated blog. Today I found a story on one of our local news sites here in Salt Lake that justhas me shaking my head. Apparently there is nothing, I repeat absolutely nothing that is happening in Utah so they get to report this. You can read the text here but I will tell you the gist of it.
Apparently it is big news when the State Attorney General has cancer. It is in extremely bad taste to announce that fact in freaking YOU TUBE video that was released by the State of Utah’s Attorney Generals office! And as if that isn’t bad enough, the news gets invited to report on the fact that said Attorney General had surgery to remove part of his colon. I was scared to even look for a video of that, it is probably out there.
The end of the story not only gives his location but hints at his further treatments. Come on already, let the guy have SOME modicum of privacy. As a matter fact I don’t know why I am writing about it….I am just genuinely shocked that this was an actual news story. Yet another reason to NOT get into politics or public office.
What do you guys think? I want opinions on this one. I also want some questions to be asked at askacoot@cantankerousoldcoots.com! Saturday is not that far away!