Hello folks. It seems that there has been quite a resurgence of fairy tales lately on the old Television. NBC and ABC are both putting up some dark fairy tale inspired shows. But I will tell you something today that is not a fairy tale.

Image via Wikipedia
Freedom. It may sound like an ethereal concept to some but it is real, and here, the coots celebrate the freedom that we have to get on and rant. If you haven’t noticed already, today is November 11th. Besides some movie releases, today is also Veterans Day.
So from the coots, happy Veterans Day! If you have served these United States at any time, thank you for your service. Thank you for allowing us to keep the freedom that lets us write a silly blog like this one without worrying if the government is going to kick in the door and shoot one of us. Bob may disagree with this, but that is his show to rant on.
If you are currently serving somewhere far from home, or even keeping the peace stateside, we thank you as well. We spend a couple of holidays honoring those in the military: Memorial Day for those who paid for our freedom with their lives, and Veterans Day for those who made it home. I like to add those currently serving to Veterans Day, they will be vets soon enough.

Image by US Army Africa via Flickr
Last year I had a Veterans Day Podcast, you can listen to it here. My sentiments have not changed.
So you may not be able to go to the bank and you don’t get mail, while you are railing against those facts, remember that it was brave men and women who allow you to get that mail and go to the bank anyway.
Go out and thank a Vet today. That is Veteran not Veterinarian. Fly your American flag proudly. At 11AM take a moment of silence to honor all of those who have made our country great, from the cooks and secretaries, to the Admirals and Generals who get all of the press.
Thank you Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for our freedom.
If you are a Vet, please leave us a comment below we would love to hear from you.
If you are here reading this, Vet or not, please use the share buttons below and promote this post and get our feelings out there to the internet.
Thanks for reading.

Justin is the young Coot with a Cantankerous Soul who continues to be educated by older, more cootish Ralph and Bob. His Cantankerosity is his own.
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