Image by v o 1 d via Flickr
Hello again folks. I was thinking for today about how this blog gets traffic. I see the stats in 3 different stat counters every day and they are all different. Different, but similar enough in trends to be useful.
Now you may have clicked into this post just to see what sage wisdom I have to offer when it comes to getting traffic to your blog. I have a short answer: Beats me. Now before you click off (literally, if you don’t like something on this blog just CLICK OFF!) at least read the rest of what I have to say.
Some people look into a business degree online when
they want to learn more about marketing to get the desired effects of blog traffic.
The trafffic here on the Coots is fairly constant. We get between 80 and 100 or so visitors per day. Sometimes there are more. Like Yesterday, with Ralphs post. There were 131 visitors at 1140 mountain time when I checked. Why so popular? I dunno, I can only hope people are linking to older posts, as I can see Ralph’s Current post has only garnered 10 visitors. Of course that was last week. This week has been no different though.
It doesn’t seem to matter too much how we promote each post. Twitter, linked In, Facebook, Digg, we advertise on each of these plus stumble upon and traffic is the same. People come to read about Cantankerousness and to have a good time. I would like to see more. So what do we do? I could ask each person who reads this post to tweet it to 10 others and ask them to do the same, but I am almost positive that somewhere that is illegal.
If not illegal then too much like a pyramid scheme. So don’t do that. If you have any ideas, please let me know! I would like to hear how you each get traffic, besides the “go out and comment” answer. This post will be linked on Twitter and all of the other sites, so we have that. Just, how do you each get traffic? And, do you have any blockbuster ideas for a cantankerous post that will go viral and make us all famous?
I can’t wait to hear from you all!
PS. go back and check out Ralph’s post from Wednesday. We would like to have some more answers to our poll!
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