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It’s another busy news week and the Coots are here to help you sort out the key points.
Bill Clinton endorses Obama’s tax-cut deal
The President continues to reach out to get more support for his compromise with Republicans on not raising taxes for any Americans during the recession. Former President Clinton also supports the compromise which in true Congressional fashion has been loaded with pork and tinsel for the holidays. Clinton’s support is intended to help the President triangulate with liberal Democrats whose Holy Grail is apparently increasing tazes for anybody richer than they are. What will they compromise next?
Mexican police report killing head of ‘La Familia’ cartel
The Mexican authorities claim a victory in their battle against the drug gangs that control major portions of Mexico and Arizona. Coots reckon the score is now gangs 999 police 1. Yea Police. No word from the Mexican President about this. He is probably hiding in the cellar.
$150B budget deficit sets November record
November 2010 sets a budget deficit record up 25 percent over last years. And this even before the taz increase compromise that adds another 1.5 Trillion. No wonder Congressional approval is less than 20%. We are being raped and pillaged by lame ducks. All we can do is hope that the new Congress believes their campaign promises.
New York drivers bracing for crash tax
Driving in New York City will face a new charge when they get into an accident. Car fires are nearly $500 while mere accidents are less. The City claims that this charge is intended to protect New Yorkers from the danger and costs for out of city drivers (who apparently aren’t contributing sufficiently to the City coffers. Cities in California have discussed these charges but have so far backed away when the public learned about them. New York steps boldly out in finding new ways to increase revenues in these hard times. Who wants to drive in NYC anyway?
Nun accused of embezzling $1.2M from college
More from New York, this time a nun who apparently embezzled $1.2 million from Iona College over ten years. Sister Susie, as the nun was called on Campus was the Chief Financial Officer for the College. Coots are sure that the nun liberated the money to do more good than was possible at the college.
Iran denies freeing woman sentenced to die by stoning
Iranian authorities deny showing any mercy to a woman accused of killing her abusive husband. The original sentence of stoning will stand, authorities insist. The pictures of the woman at home with her son were taken when she was recreating the crime for authorities. Move right along. Nothing to see here.
And finally from the UK
New arrest over student protests
Students in the UK take protests to a new level as the attack Prince Charles and his wife Camilla on the way to the theatre in London. The students are upset about increases in tuition costs for college and took their upset to physically assault the Prince’s Rolls, breaking a window and touching Camilla with a stick. The Prime Minister described the behavior of the ‘students’ as feral and said that the full force of the law would pursue the miscreants. Students usually get heated about moral issues like starving children and global warming but these students just want subsidies for themselves.
Those are the important headlines for this week. This Coot is exhausted.