English: Evidence of Logging. The photograph shows the main track through the woods on Houghton Moor (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I know I should channel my annoyances at my aging body into wonderfully articulate and cantankerous rants, but I am not sure I am ready for that. As if I need any more of this getting old stuff. We went camping this weekend for my 12 year olds birthday. Man oh man, I felt old.
Let’s just say that this trip I was glad to have a mattress to sleep on in the tent trailer.
I was glad to sleep in until 9 AM on 2 of the 3 days.
I went to bed before midnight.
I couldn’t get up the hill without falling and messing up my knee. Well, I probably would have done that anyway.
So here I sit. I feel like an old man when I move. I am slow to get going and tired all of the time. My body is betraying me.
But then, in my mind, I feel like a 14 year old kid who is going to be in trouble all of the time. There is not the place where I feel like the 38 year old man that I should be, well am in reality.
When do you actually start to feel the age you are? Where do you feel like the adult you should feel like?
Hell I have 4 kids, the oldest just turned 12. I shouldn’t feel like I am barely older than her. But I do.
Maybe I am just tired and the constant stream of caffeine is eroding my psyche, maybe I need a therapist. Maybe I need a big jug of rum.
Whatever shall I do…..I want to end up similar to Ralph, retired and cantankerous, living life how it comes, but right now, I am going to lose my mind and be running around the nursing home in a loincloth, waving my cane and flashing the old ladies. Ahhh Dementia….you minx you. When will you visit?
Anyway, what think you all? I want some constructive information on what to do, or you can just go and jump off the short pier.