Down with Health Nuts

 Posted by at 11:01  Down with
Feb 232015
If you're another one of those health nuts who...
Image by Ed Yourdon via Flickr

“Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.”

Redd Fox

Unless you are a total recluse, you know some health nuts. These people are fixated on ‘taking care of their bodies’. They would never dream of eating a hamburger. It’s got to be a broiled chicken breast or if they are total loons- a vegeburger. Then they pretend to enjoy their food while they smirk at you and your unhealthy choice. They know how much fat is in anything you name and whether it is saturated, unsaturated, poly-unsaturated or, the crème de la crème of bad, trans fat. These are the people who decided ,in the interest of their own good health, not to eat anything that tastes good. Since they get no pleasure from food, they compensate by making you feel bad eating something delicious. It is an evil perversion and health nuts deserve a special place in hell.

It’s pretty clear that health nuttiness doesn’t make them healthier. They don’t look any better. They get sick just as often and instead of enjoying life they take pride in making sure that anybody around them can’t enjoy life. There is never an end to their quest for perfect health. Taking one step on the path, instead of producing praise just causes them to step up the program- and the abuse

“Bob, it is so good that you have given up eating read meat. Your body will be so happy.”

As you smile at their encouragement they continue.

“Of course, you really want to give up that nasty meat all together. It’s so bad for you.”

And its not just food. Maybe you start taking walks to keep that blood flowing and clear your head. You feel pretty good. Just don’t tell the health nut.

“Fred, that’s a great first step.”

Don’t get cocky because they continue.

“We’ll have you doing an Iron Man in no time.”

This coot has learned over time not to give a health nut any encouragement. These unhappy people only live to suck all the joy de vivre out of anyone unfortunate enough to be in the same room with them. Don’t give them an inch. Don’t concede even the smallest of their points because when you do, they have you where they want you- feeling guilty.

Enjoy yourself and let health be damned. Eat that savory hamburger with pleasure, wiping your chin from time to time as the delicious juices drip. Walk if you must but be careful about jogging because the next step is running a marathon. Focus on enjoyment and don’t let guilt get his foot in the door. Health nuts have forgone pleasure to achieve the false nirvana of ‘good health’. The only pleasure they have left is suckering you to follow them. If you concede an inch to their fixation, you are as good as doomed to join them. If not in the achievement of perfect health- at least by reaching a state of perfect unhappiness.

It is a slippery slope to health nuttitidude.


Ralph is the inspiration for Cantankerous Old Coots and is our Grand Duke of Cantankerousness

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Down with Summer

 Posted by at 11:01  Down with
Feb 232015

Whatever happened to Summer?

So. its Summer. I just can’t get excited these days. I’ve been snookered too many times.   Summer just means scorching heat and kids playing in the street. Maybe there is still magic in Summer for some people but I’m past it.

Summer is a tramp, full of promises and bad at delivering. As a kid, I was a sucker for the dream. I lived each year for the promise and then made excuses when they never came through. Anything could happen. Sadly it mostly didn’t. These days I don’t expect much. I just hunker down and get through it.

It is hard to like Summer. It promises great things but never really delivers. When I was a kid, it’s big attraction was that there was no school. Aside from that. Summer meant high temperatures and insufferable humidity. It meant hot sticky nights, trying to sleep with the sheets sticking to your body and bugs, lots of bugs, Noisy annoying annoying bugs like June bugs were bad enough but the grass was full of chiggers and the evenings brought mosquitoes which left you with painful itches and welts. The only bugs I liked were lighting bugs which sadly I never see in California. Summer fantasies were about bikini clad lovelies on sandy beaches. If you were in the landlocked Midwest, these were only fantasies because all you had were swimming pools or the lake and somehow it was just never beach blanket bingo or even Gidget. The reality was just never as good as the fantasy. Continue reading »


Ralph is the inspiration for Cantankerous Old Coots and is our Grand Duke of Cantankerousness

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Feb 232015

Well…last week the show DIDN’T go on. Someone hit a tree down the road an hour before showtime, and my internet went down with the tree…so this is two weeks at once.

Enjoy…and when you travel…leave your Les Paul and antique Steinway at home.


Bob@HayleStorm Interactive

Bob comes to us with a skeptical attitude and a full cup of Cantankerousness. He also writes about homesteading and yurts over at and rants about politics at Most of the time, though, you'll find him at, cranking out great websites for clients OR writing tutorials teaching them to build their own sites.

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Feb 232015
Cover of "Germs"

Cover of Germs

There is at least one good thing about old age. It means you have been fooled so many times by people who claim to know everything that you stop being a sucker. When you see how many times the experts change their minds about things like ‘health food’ you pretty much ignore them and eat what you like. It’s not just food where you find out that the experts are actually wrong. It works with health too. Take the ridiculous fixation on killing bacteria these days. It’s so mindless that any fool should recognize that killing bacteria is the last thing we want to do.


It makes absolutely no sense that the human body which has been defending us against germs for thousands of years needs special help now. To begin with, the idea is based on a false premise. It assumes that the only good bacteria is a dead bacteria when there are so many bacteria that make life better. Indiscriminate killing of bacteria could make us worse off, not better. It just one more of the crazy ideas that keep cropping up.

The human body is a pretty remarkable system to keep germs under control. It’s not disputable~ We have thousands of years of experience to prove just how resiliently the human body resists disease. There are still some bad boys that occasionally do serious damage but those aren’t your common, garden variety germs. You won’t be picking up the Ebola virus down at the office or anthrax off the cart at the supermarket. Are you one of the foold that uses the sanitizers on your shopping cart? Who decided that we need hand sanitizer to buy groceries anyway. I tell you the world has gone mad.


I can’t explain the hysteria these days about germs. Just try to find a soap these days that doesn’t claim to be antibacterial. I know because I make it a point not to buy that crap and there aren’t many left. Heck, what’s life without germs? How can you grow up strong and healthy if your body never leans to deal with germs. If the antibacterial soaps were actually effective we would end up a race of weaklings.

The one germ I’d be willing to fight is the scaredy cat germ which seems to have taken over America. I grew up in an America unfettered by this madness. We were clean back then. We washed out hands, covered out mouths and all but we weren’t afraid of getting sick from time to time. It was just part of life. Everybody got a cold once in a while and nobody I ever knew got the flu. Today, nobody has a cold. It’s always the flu and it isn’t just any flu these days, it’s swine flu or bird flu, always the big guns. It scares them to death to get sick. People rush to the doctor, demand some medicine and worry. In my day, we just got over it.


The way I see it, the reason people get sick these days is because they went crazy about this antibacterial nonsense. They do everything they can to kill the bad bacteria and kill the good ones while they are at it. They lose both ways. They have protected themselves too much. Everybody is so protected from germs that when one finally gets in, their bodies don’t know what to do about it. Because they protect themselves so much, any germ can make them sick and any illness seems catastrophic.


It turns out that it’s all a marketing gimmick anyway because you have to soak your hands in the stuff for two minutes for it to have any effect so most people are no better off than if they used regular soap. It’s all touchy-freely crap, but these days that’s all that matters. We’ve got overpriced universities full of over-educated know nothings that think it’s their job to tell us how to live. Mother was bad enough but in my day, mother never heard of antibacterial soap and she didn’t depend on anybody to tell her how to raise her kids. These days it’s not just your mother who is telling you what to do. Try to find somebody who isn’t. The mayor of New York wants to tell you what you can drink. What’s going to keep him from deciding that you need to use antibacterial soap. And if New Yorkers are going to let nanny Bloomburg run their lives then it’s probably all over for the rest of us.


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Ralph is the inspiration for Cantankerous Old Coots and is our Grand Duke of Cantankerousness

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RCA Software Sucks!

 Posted by at 11:01  Down with, rants
Feb 232015

Santa got my daughter an MP3 player for Christmas.  No not an Ipod, those are overpriced pieces of nothing that I need, but that is another rant.  The one she got was an RCA.  Probably not the best but there are loads of worse ones out there.

She has been using it for a while now and having no problems.  We have been using Windows Explorer to drag and drop songs on the thing and it has worked just fine.  The other day she came to me looking for a song that they had heard at school to put on her machine.

For someone working on a bachelor degree in technology online this kind of task might have been fun.

After some balking about how she wasn’t getting her room cleaned and I wasn’t getting the house cleaned I relented and googled the song.  It was a remix of a popular song that was now a pro-reading thing.  I like reading.  I like the fact that she likes to read.  A song about reading seemed like a good thing.

Come to find out, this song only exists on You Tube.  Here it is.

Not too bad, so I save the video to my computer.  Should be able to put it right on her player because it has video.  Oh no….It couldn’t possibly be that easy.  Turns out there is a proprietary video type for RCA and its parent company Audiosucks Audiovox.  So I look up how to convert this video.  There is a program that comes hard wired into the player called RCA Easy Rip that gives you the capability. If you have a version that will work.

I didn’t.  More google.  Download new program that will work with Vista.  Install.  Crash system.  reboot.  Install.  Seems to work but won’t convert video with sound.  video only.  What a Piece of Crap!  We gave up for the moment on the video.  Now there was some other songs she wanted on her player.

I had the program up so I decided to use it.  The &$#^ing piece of worthless crap ate 99% system clock resources!  I couldn’t do anything while it was loading like 8 songs on her player.  I couldn’t even stop it becasue it says it will damage the player.  Tell you what, I uninstalled that little mother as soon as it released the hostage system resources.

And then I rebooted because my system was slow.  When it started up again, there was another program that was piggybacked onto the EasyRip!  This one automatically locks up your computer on startup looking for updates to the software or the firmware of the player.  It was a catch 22 for a while because this thing was taking all of the system resources again and not letting things like the internet connection get through so it couldn’t update to save it because it was taking up the resources needed to access.

I finally got that uninstalled and everything nearly back to normal now.  All I have to say is, Come on RCA you are a big name that has been around for a long time.  You of all people should realize that a flashy app is worthless if it takes you back to the days of linear computing where everything is loaded one bit at a time and it takes freaking forever.  Multi-tasking has been around for a while.

Maybe you could find a nice 3rd party application that would solve everyones problems once and for all.  Or, heaven forbid, make the thing open source so the hackers can have a go at it and make it useful.  The idea isn’t bad nor is the interface on the surface.  Get even one level deeper and you may as well be at the bottom of a dark outhouse with a penlight.  And not one of those bright LED lights either, something that may run 3 candlepower with a full battery and lots of prayer.

Bottom line, Get a SanDisk product.  I have had 4 of their players and had no problems.  One day I will afford an Ipod, or get my Dad’s hand me down. Whatever.

That is All.



Justin is the young Coot with a Cantankerous Soul who continues to be educated by older, more cootish Ralph and Bob. His Cantankerosity is his own.

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