Jul 312011
Arnold Schwarzenegger

Image by Thomas Hawk via Flickr


We’re lucky to live in the United States

where we are free from government coersion and control of our lives but once in a while our government needs to step in to solve a problem that’s just too big for us ordinary folks to handle. Take the energy situation for example. Civilization needs energy to keep going but it seems like all the ways to get energy are expensive and full of pollution. Like I said, it’s way too complicated for us ordinary folk to handle. That’s why we have government isn’t it. There are all those dimensions like manufacturing, staying comfortable and getting around. Take automobiles. You need a car to get around but gas costs an arm and a leg (and maybe your firstborn son, to boot). You can buy one of those hybrids if you’ve got a trust fund but most of us drive cars that use gas. What can you do?  It’s a big problem.  Well in one fell stroke, the governent has eliminated the problem. If you could drive twice as far on a tank of gas all your problems would be solved? Right!. Stop worrying. With the stoke of a pen, now all cars have to get 54 miles to the gallon. Is there any problem that can’t be solved by government?

Fuel efficiency: Will new rules cure US addiction to foreign oil?

When you live in a democracy, voting is one of the most important rights. Sometimes with all the benefits and comforts today, it’s hard to keep that responsibility. There is just so much more to do that’s fun. Voting gets to be a pain.  Sometimes it takes a little incentive to get us to take that responsibility seriously.


Moving right along , sometimes we think that the US makes all the scientific breakthroughs. We forget that serious scientific research and development is now a worldwide activity. Just to make that point clear, here is just on example of the cutting edge work from Korea.


Now you will never again trip over the dog when you come in late.

I don’t have much good to say about lawyers. If you need one you are in serious shit and it’s going to cost you big time but I can’t help wondering if isn’t because most of our politicians are lawyers. You know the saying ‘when you’re a hammer, the whole world looks like a nail’. Well, I’m wondering if we didn’t have so many damn lawyers if we might have less serious shit to deal with. Anyway today I found a warm and fuzzy lawyer story. It might make you feel a little better the next time you hit some serious shit.


Finally a fitting tribute to an American (well maybe Austrian-American) super hero, the former Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger who’se been going through a rough patch these days. At least he’s getting some well-deserved appreciation from his homeland.

Arnold Schwarzenegger museum opens in Austrian hometown

That’s the good news for this week. Bought your gold yet?


Ralph is the inspiration for Cantankerous Old Coots and is our Grand Duke of Cantankerousness

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  4 Responses to “Coot’s News Service- July 31,2011”

  1. I love it!!! Free weed if ya register to vote. This is the best country in the world. Downside: Newly registered voters may get too stoned on election day, and forget to vote. Bummer

  2. I want one of them there dogs.

    • Dave,
      They would certainly be great on those dark winter nights but if you read the fine print, you have to inject them with drugs to make it work. I’d never remember to inject the dog when I go to bed.

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