Feb 102015
Main Street at the Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney ...

Main Street at the Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney World Resort, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA. The photo is taken presumably from the roof of the Walt Disney World Railroad, and the US Flag is in the foreground. In the background is the regal Cinderella Castle. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Is it just me or was Friday just yesterday.  Must be me becasue Friday was last week!  And then March is gone as well.

Oh Well.  These days it seems like time is fleeting and going faster than is really necessary, but it is still going!  We are trying to figure out what we will be doing when we get to Florida for Amelia’s Wish and there is an amazing amount of crap to do in Disney World.  It seems like we should be able to sit down and have the whole thing planned in an hour or two but we are going on a week or more and still don’t have everything nailed down.

When it does get nailed down, it will change though.  That is the only thing I am certain of.  Maybe I need to get Ralph to help out.  He has been halfway around the world.  I have a 6 hour trip.  With 4 kids.  Maybe I can get “Uncle Ralph” to come and we can pick up “Uncle Bob” on the way through.

That would be wild.  3 coots in the Magic Kingdom.  Sounds like a novel where at least one gets arrested.  Maybe I should write that as a series of shorts while we are gone.  I am going to be making videos and writing about the trip anyway over at Ameliasmakeawish.com.  I am rambling and have now forgotten the original point of this post.

Maybe the sands of time that I started with should be compared with the brain cells that seem to be deserting me at much the same rate. I could blame it on sleep deprivation or getting older, but I don’t know the cause.

How fast is your hourglass being emptied?  And what should be the more pressing question, are you going to be able to turn it over?  If you remember, Dorthy tried in vain to turn over the hourglass that the witch set for her….is that where we are here?

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Justin is the young Coot with a Cantankerous Soul who continues to be educated by older, more cootish Ralph and Bob. His Cantankerosity is his own.

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  3 Responses to “Like Sands in the Hourglass….”

  1. Justin,
    You have enough on your plate taking your wife and four kids to Disney World. You definitely don’t need a couple of coots.

  2. But think of the posts man, the posts! I guess I will just make it up as I go along……Look for a story, Walt Disney and the Three Coots. Once upon a time there was a man with a wild idea for a mouse. Who wore pants. And a duck who doesn’t. Throug many years of work this man grew an empire like no other on the face of the earth. If he didn’t die in the 70’s he would be all happy go lucky on the outside and as cantankerous as they come on the inside.

    One day the Cantankerous Old Coots were talking. somehow the conversation came around to other guest coots that we would like to have. Classic characters who could add some class as well as cootishness. Lee Marvin came up as well as Errol Flynn, Sam Peckinpaw and John Ford. Then someone, it was probably Justin, came up with Walt Disney. “Disney?!?” Bob asked chuckling in his North Georgia Drawl. “What cantankerousness can he lend to us?” Justin got a twinkle in his eye then that skype could not accurately convey. “Oh, I’ll tell you.” he said mysteriously.

  3. Justin,
    Not that it will get you anywhere, but my grandfather knew Walt back in Kansas City before he made it big in Hollywood. His brother kept up the acquantence but after he moved to San Diego during the war (you know, the big one) he didn’t have much to do with the Missouri relations so I can’t get you that special pass.
    Watch those eye twinkles when you get to Florida. Married men with four kids can get into trouble.

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