Feb 052012

Ready for Superbowl?

Puppy cuteness

Image via Wikipedia

The media are preoccupied this week with the Superbowl. So what’s the big deal? After a season of football,it’s all pared down to two teams. One team will win and the other won’t. One city will celebrate and the other won’t. When it’s all over, what difference does it make, especially if you don’t live in the Northeast. Don’t get me wrong. I’ll watch the game while I cook some treats for the half-time break. I don’t know if I’m up for Madonna. We may just cut out for the Puppy Bowl or the Law and Order SVU Marathon.

Despite all the hype, the Superbowl is just another football game. Most of them aren’t even good football. There is lots of news related to the spectacle but none of it really matters. It’s just empty calories like the food served at the Superbowl Parties.. So this week the Coots News Service is skipping the Superbowl for news that is important. Global Warming be damned. Europe is freezing to death.

No End in Sight for European Deep Freeze 

So what good is Global Warming if we all freeze to death?

Now that we know that Global Warming is a fact, winter is nothing more than a word. When my wife and I planned our trip to Europe, we quickly dismissed any concerns about visiting in Winter. Winter is so old fashioned. Besides, since we were visiting Venice, how cold could it really get on the water? After all we hear about the wonderful Mediterranean climate how could there be a problem.

Venice, Italy (NASA, International Space Stati...

Venice, Italy (NASA, International Space Station Science, 03/15/07) (Photo credit: NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center)

So we scheduled our time in Venice for the month of March right after Carnival.. No tourists and the weather shouldn’t be a problem, or so we thought. Then I started watching the weather. In January the nights were right at freezing and the days in the 40’s. It was making me nervous but after all we had two months and March is practically Spring. Then last week the temperatures started dropping. Nights were down below 20 and day-times just barely in the 30’s. Venice was beginning to seem like Chicago.

So this week, the CNS is preoccupied with that European cold snap and thinking about getting some long johns to take along. Global Warming may be a sure things but it is not doing anything to help our European trip.




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Ralph is the inspiration for Cantankerous Old Coots and is our Grand Duke of Cantankerousness

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  2 Responses to “CNS for February 5, 2012- Baby it’s cold!”

  1. Ralph, I don’t want to spoil the party but you will find March in Europe still pretty cold.

    • Bill,
      Everybody always says that California has a Mediterranean climate and since we always considered Italy as Mediterranean, the recent weather has us somewhat disappointed. Ice, snow and sub-freezing temperatures are not what we expected. Still, we were snowed in last year at Lake Tahoe in March so we may be to blame. Still, we expect that Winter in Venice will have it’s charms even if we have to dress warmer.

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