Jan 012012


It’s here! 

Well, by the time you read this it will be 2012 and if you believe the Mayans, 2012 is all they wrote. I remain skeptical. After all, if the Mayans knew so much, why aren’t they still around? Still, lots of people like doomsday threats and we still have almost a year until 12/21/12 when it is all supposed to end.  So expect to hear a lot more about the end of the world.

Of course, like all predictions, there are plenty of ambiguities and weaseling when you actually get into what those Mayans really intended to say. It seems that they might have been saying that 2012 marked the end of an era which began long before Mayan civilization arose and ends long after it disappeared. It is hard to believe that they put much faith in either the beginning or the end.  They couldn’t even handle the middle.

Coots are skeptics!

The Coot’s don’t hold much for doomsday scenarios. We don’t hold much stock in Global Warming and if we remember right there was some kind of Raelian end of the world predicted a year or so ago that fell through. We don’t expect the Mayans to do much better. None-the-less we know that our readers are thirsty for more information and so as we begin what may be the last year ever we provide our readers with some links to help  sort it all out.

First, what are the End of the world Predictions for 2012

Second, what are believers and skeptics saying

 And finally, if you just want it all to go away National Geographic debunks it all.

It’s all up to you from this point. The Coots wash their hands of 2012 doomsday predictions. If 2012 is like 2011 it will be bad enough. And if 2012 goes any worse than 2011 we might just welcome doomsday as an improvement.

All things considered, we recommend that you party hearty. It might be your last chance.


Ralph is the inspiration for Cantankerous Old Coots and is our Grand Duke of Cantankerousness

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  2 Responses to “CNS for New Years Day 2012- Is it the end?”

  1. All of the End of World predictions have one thing in common: they’ve all been wrong…so far.

  2. Hansi,
    I’m convinced.

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