Oct 172011

The EU (European Union for all you folks who live under a rock) has don’t it’s best to ruin Europe financially…and they have done bang-up job of it.

Now, as though European-style socialism weren’t bad enough, they take balloons away from kiddies!

Oh well…maybe it’s caused a “law of unintended consequences” moment…the former British PM has had enough, it seems. John Major is calling for the reigning in of EU powers.


Bob@HayleStorm Interactive

Bob comes to us with a skeptical attitude and a full cup of Cantankerousness. He also writes about homesteading and yurts over at JuicyMaters.com and rants about politics at Common-Sense-Conversation.com Most of the time, though, you'll find him at HayleStorm.net, cranking out great websites for clients OR writing tutorials teaching them to build their own sites.

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  2 Responses to “At what age do you quit needing a nanny?”

  1. Balloons eh? Who knows what other life-threatening hazards the government needs to protect us against. It’s what comes when you give elected politicians too much time and too much money. They try to give us our moneys worth by passing unnecessary laws.

  2. I’d say around age three is when ya stop needing a Nanny. Then there’s a long dry spell till you’re in your sixties, at which time ya want your Nanny back.

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