Close but no cigar!

 Posted by at 18:09  principles
Jul 292014

Maybe you have seen this early Jack Nicholson movie Five Easy Pieces.  I am not recommending it if you haven’t because Jack Nicholson as a concert pianist working in the oil fields of California is a bit hard to accept.  Jack, in his youth, is showing the curmudgeon qualities that he perfected in his mature roles.  Notice that he is not enjoying his confrontation with the surly waitress one bit.  There is no joy in the battle and even though he wins in logic, not only does Jack not get his toast, he doesn’t get breakfast at all.  Keep this video in mind as you anticipate the Coot Lesson for Friday, Cantankerous Old Coots are not Angry Old Farts.


Ralph is the inspiration for Cantankerous Old Coots and is our Grand Duke of Cantankerousness

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  3 Responses to “Close but no cigar!”

  1. The older Jack would have gotten that toast! Aging brings some benefits.

  2. Such a great movie! I got it last year as a birthday gift on BluRay, but I’d really like to watch it in a cinema like our fathers!

    • Aniko,
      I can’t share your enthusiasm for this movie but I do like this one scene and these days it is a hoot to see Jack Nicholson back when he was considered good looking.

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