Jul 182011

Yeah, yeah, yeah…so I’ve missed a few Mondays.  Well…I’m here today with something new…

As a mea culpa, I return bearing gifts…or at least one gift…ME ON VIDEO!

All seriousness aside…there are two differences on the Monday posts:

1.)  They’ll be more regular (I promise!)

2.)  Mondays will be all video, all the time.


The videos will have me in them…of course you’ll enjoy them!



Todays show includes:

A shoutout to a regular Cantankerous Old Coots visitor.  Is it you?

Some things the Monday videos will include as topics.

ONE thing they will not have as a topic.

And the topic de jour…Carmegeddon.

Bob@HayleStorm Interactive

Bob comes to us with a skeptical attitude and a full cup of Cantankerousness. He also writes about homesteading and yurts over at JuicyMaters.com and rants about politics at Common-Sense-Conversation.com Most of the time, though, you'll find him at HayleStorm.net, cranking out great websites for clients OR writing tutorials teaching them to build their own sites.

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  6 Responses to “I’ll be damned..Bob showed up!”

  1. Bob,
    What a refreshing change to come over to Coots on Monday and find a new post, even if it is a video. I think maybe it’s karma- like your comments about karmageddon. But you make me see something else. What do Bob and LA have in common? A blocked artery.
    You seem to have forgotten the prince of overspending – The President.

    And BTW can you explain for your more cultured readers (er.. listeners) what you mean by coon-assed.

    • Ralph, if I had gotten off on Mr. Obama and his overspending I wouldn’t have shut up for 2 hours, at least. I figgered I ought to refrain from mentioning him…for y’all’s sake.

      Coonass, not coon-assed. Just a colloquialism for Cajun…and not a derogatory one…

  2. We gotta have us a talk about editing. Lol, otherwise nice work and good to see you.

    • Yer probably talking abot inconsistent sound levels, like the blaring music. I know, I know…working on it…progress, not perfection.

  3. Yeah…it says they generally don’t have self-esteem issues where they need stroking and petting all the time, and it says they have an AA saying genetically imprinted..”It’s none of my business what you think of me.”…a lesson everyone should learn and embrace.

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