Feb 012013

I was just looking at some numbers here on the ol’ Coots blog and I found something interesting.  It seems our tweet out when posted plugin is not working.  At all.  Looking further, there are no updates, the plugin blog post on the developer site is from 2008.  Finally, I have switched plugins.


twitterverse (Photo credit: birgerking)

That in itself is not big news, what is surprising is this, the past 2 posts that have gone out this week have had 11 and 17 views.  The two before that have had 42 and 37 views.  That tells me there are not many people actually reading these posts on their own and Twitter is a huge tool in the promotion of this blog.  This particular post should go out into the Twitterverse and lets see just how many hits it generates.

Now, I have read volumes of stuff about how to make blogs happen and get bigger.  Twitter is good but sharing, out there with people, gets more people here to read our stuff.  If this is your first time here, good deal.  Share with your friends using those nifty buttons at the bottom.

If this blog is your guilty pleasure and you don’t want people to know you read it, sneak some links out and about for us.  We won’t tell.

If you are so inclined, add something to the comments!  We love to hear inane babble er, constructive comments from our readers.  Ralph has been the main writer here for far too long and maybe you are just getting tired of him and his rants about traveling the world and all of the hardships associated with living in California.  Apparently, he is losing his ranting mojo as evidenced by this post earlier in the week.

Or maybe you are just excited to get some Bob back into the cantankerousness with his last two posts, part 1 and part 2.  Maybe you just don’t care.   But, with 2013 fast dwindling we need to raise our alexa score so that we can get some advertising to help pay for this adventure.

Please, share, comment, blast us with incredulity, or find your own cantankerousness and write a guest post.  You will not be sorry.



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Justin is the young Coot with a Cantankerous Soul who continues to be educated by older, more cootish Ralph and Bob. His Cantankerosity is his own.

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  2 Responses to “I finally see the truth…”

  1. Justin,
    Are you telling me that our readers come from Twitter? No wonder we never get any comments. They probably don’t get past the first sentence. This makes life a lot better for me. No more of those 500 word posts that tax my creative juices. Ten words should be enough for those bozos.

  2. And the truth shall set you free!

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