Feb 102015

If ye be bold enough, click the picture above and this page will become: Pirate!

International Talk Like a Pirate Day

International Talk Like a Pirate Day (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Well me Hearties it finally be time for Talk Like A Pirate Day! Today we have those scabarous bung weevils Captain Jack Sparrowand Captain Hector Barbossa aboard the Blackheart’s Shadow for the podcast. We be Ready for some fun, so hit play fer the podcast and beware….

The Audio:

[powerpress feed=”podcast”]


International Talk Like a Pirate Day website: http://talklikeapirate.com

Chicken Pirates on sticky notes! http://www.savagechickens.com/category/cartoons/pirates/

Dave Barry’s article  http://www.miamiherald.com/2002/09/08/100129/arrrrr-talk-like-a-pirate-or-prepare.html

A very funny video from “Jack Sparrow”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iewv4v8CLlU&feature=bf_play&list=FLzzhFgPpirIsv_cuYpjVDJAlink

The Bus Pirates: http://buspirates.com The theme show.  This is a podcast type show that has a Pirate playlist, I listen to these every September…The first one: http://ishtarandromeda.libsyn.com/index.php?post_year=2006&post_month=09&post_day=12  and the Second one: http://ishtarandromeda.libsyn.com/index.php?post_id=254769

Tom Smith’s site: http://www.tomsmithonline.com/

Pirate page translation courtesy of  http://translate-pirate.com/ piracy vs iTunes


And Just a legal note, I don’t own anything related to Disney pirates or to the Pirate guys.  I nicked the videos from you tube like a good pirate should but I hold no claim to them.  I just want to spread the word, and the word is ARRRRR!  But really, this is all in fun, so please don’t be upset, and you know, sue me or anything.


Justin is the young Coot with a Cantankerous Soul who continues to be educated by older, more cootish Ralph and Bob. His Cantankerosity is his own.

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  5 Responses to “Talk Like A Pirate Day 2012!”

  1. Cpn Bill, ARRRG. I’ve gone blind watching that video.

  2. Justin, besides anything else, I know that had to be a real bitch to assemble. You have more patience than me.

    Good job, mate!

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