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The top news stories of the day. Don’t know what to think? Let the Coots help.
According to USA Today, these are the top stories for Sunday November 6, 2010, Yeah, We never read most of them either but, for what it’s worth, here’s the Coot’s perspective on those stories.
Looking Ahead: The Weekend and Monday.
President Obama in India while the Presidential Oil Spill Commission opens two days of hearing.
Not only did the President have nothing much to say after the Mid-Term Elections turned the House of Representatives over to Republican control. He got out of town before his commission on the gulf oil spill opened their hearings. Nothing says “I’m on top of my game.” like a 10 day Asian tour. That oil spill? It’s old news and besides, we’re not drilling for oil anymore. That’s so 20th century just like fiscal responsibility.
Peruvian judge orders Lori Berenson freed
Lori Berenson, if it escapes your memory like it did ours was convicted of terrorism in Peru when she assisting the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement. They convicted the Marxist mother and sentenced her to 15 years in prison. Then they let her out and later sent her back. Well., she is back out again, free to work her Marxist magic back in the USA. Coots were under the impression that 15 years in a Peruvian prison was equivalent to a death sentence which would be a fine outcome for enemies of freedom. Unfortunately, she appears quite healthy in the picture and Peruvian prisons get a thumbs up for motherhood. Apparently Peruvian prisons are good places to be pregnant since she has a 15 month old child. It is unclear what this says about the Peruvian justice system but Coots predict that Joran Vandersloot may be released shortly.
Michigan bans alcoholic energy drinks
The automobile industry may be on life support and Michigan’s economy may be a shambles but the nanny state is going strong. Coots were unaware of alcoholic energy drinks but The Michigan Liquor Control Commission is on top of the situation. The FDA is merely looking at the drinks but Michigan channels Nancy Reagan and just says no. According to MLCC the public is concerned about the effects of the drinks and that’s enough for them. It probably means that this unique niche of alcoholic energy drinks doesn’t produce enough tax revenue.
Al-Qaeda cell in Yemen says it sent U.S.-bound bomb
Young Asian boards flight to Canada in eerily lifelike disguise as elderly male
Coots can’t comment on this story without more details. It is certainly understandable that people might prefer Canada to many Asian countries and there are many Asian counties Coot’s would be happy to flee. Canada probably benefits from resourceful immigrants to complement the easy going Canadian temperament so they are going to have to sort this out on their own. At least he didn’t have explosives in his undies.
Consumers increased debt in September for first time since January
Coots say it’s about time. For two years the government has been all alone borrowing money to stimulate the economy with no help from the public. Consumers just haven’t been pulling their weight. Finally consumers have decided to do their part. Coots predict that the recession is over.
MSNBC suspends Keith Olbermann for donating to 3 Democratic candidates
Coots say that it is a dark day for the news media. We are shocked to learn that news anchors actually have an opinion. Who would have guessed?
Nancy Pelosi says she will run for House minority leader
Coots say more power to you Nancy. We applaud your spunk and grit even as we will miss the excitement and suspense of your reign as majority leader. We were dying with eager anticipation while the Obamacare Bill was getting approved. We couldn’t wait until it passed so we could find out what was in it. It’s the end of an era.
Back to you.
We at Coots hope that you enjoyed this summary of the important stories of the day from USA Today. We welcome your comments on these stories and any suggestions you might have for stories not important enough for USA Today to notice. Michiganders- are you missing those energy drinks? NBC watchers- pining away for Olbermann? Let the Coots know.
Consider me happily amused. Now if only we could find someone over here to do that…
Coots are willing. Send us your headlines. We have an opinion.
Uh…Ralph…it IS Sunday, but here in Georgia it is November 7, not 6.
Y’all really a whole day behind in Californee? That would explain hiring a governor from the ’70’s…
I’ll make sure you have some by next week then (if this is going to be a regular thing? Hope so!)
We don’t get hung with conventional wisdom like calendars here in California.
Send them along. Unless Bob or Justin slap me down I’ll do it again. I am sure that I know just as little about Scots headlines as US ones.
I used up my November allotment of “slapping down”…happily I might add…on November 2.
Excellent. We could have a right old giggle, some of ours are…er…’awesome’.
Coots go international. First GAB and now Scottish headlines. Now all we need is Bob channeling the French Chef.
As for slapping down… you have an allotment Bob?
I work on a scaling system; there’s a minimum quota and anything above and beyond that makes me a small commission in happy.
And someone from Australia.
Although Bob might be more comfortable with Gordon.