Feb 232015

I am not as old as Ralph.  I was too young to remember all of the good things in the ’70’s.  I do remember MTV’s launch, Reagan’s inauguration and the Challenger disaster.  I have also seen the country turn into a nearly spineless glob of crap.  People will say we are strong.  Well we were.  Clinton came along and shut down so much military that we are not the crushing powerhouse we used to be.

Good thing the rest of the world has deteriorated as well.  I am here at 36 years old looking back at how we have brought drugs, rap music and that bull-crap “Green” movement to the country.  For some reason the last 15 years or so have been filled with people spouting sewage about how it is everyone’s fault that we have nice things.

If you don’t have those stupid twisty light bulbs and high efficiency toilets you are a bad bad person!  Unplug your TV at night so it doesn’t take .005 cents worth of electricity.  I refuse to do this.  I leave my computer on all night too.

I miss my 1977 V8 Ford Pickup that got 8 miles to a gallon if I was lucky.  That sucker had some torque and power.  I saw a show on the Travel Channel the other day where they were still using the styrofoam containers at the McDonalds in Italy.  I miss those.

I am thoroughly convinced that my Great Grandfather would fall over dead if he saw how this country was going.  Of course he would be in jail for assaulting the guy that came by telling him he couldn’t water his lawn that much or how his fertilizer was not “approved”.  Knowing my Grandpa, he would probably lynch the sucker in his apple tree.

I hate being part of this generation of pussification.  I am about sick to death of going green.  I am tired of the city where I live wanting everyone to recycle but only picking up the can every other week.  I am only recycling less than half of what I could.  And why bother.

Like our good friend Howard Beal, “I’m Mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!”  I am going to go burn something in my backyard.  I have a firepit, and as long as you “cook” something on it they don’t complain.  There is a dog next door…..


Justin is the young Coot with a Cantankerous Soul who continues to be educated by older, more cootish Ralph and Bob. His Cantankerosity is his own.

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  3 Responses to “We have Pussified this country.”

  1. Well said, young man! I’m afraid there isn’t much time left. The schools are indoctrination hell holes and our politicians worship the state. One more election is about all we have to turn it around. After that it won’t matter.
    .-= Ralph´s last blog ..Going on Your Own =-.

  2. Hey Justin,
    You are a stay at home Dad. Keep them home and homeschool.

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