It’s a dilemma!
Dealing with the news here at Cantankerous Old Coots is difficult. Coots are sick of the preachy, nagging news coverage from the newspapers and broadcasters. So the approach we have followed is to look for positive news stories each week that encourage a positive outlook. Each week, we shift through the stories looking for upbeat and encouraging news. It’s a diffciult task and frankly, we are getting pretty darn discouraged. First of all, there just isn’t much good news out there these days and second, there just isn’t much cantankerosity involved in good news. Those stories are either sickly sweet or blandly boring. It’s time to shake things up.
So now what?
The problem is deciding what to do. We’ve got Bob going political with his political coot podcasts, at least when the stars align. On the rare occasions that Bob actually delivers Coots would be over emphasing the political arena. Not that there isn’t enough political lunacy to fill hundreds of blogs. The world is fast going to hell in a handbasket- whatever that means. There is oppression all over the world. Cultural values are degraded. Morality is compromised. Facebook has changed. The American way of life is eroding. It’s not a pretty picture. Still when it comes right down to it, COC is not about politics, it’s about lifestyle.
So, here we are.
Up a creek without a paddle so to speak and without a pot to piss in. So what does a resourceful Coot do when he is out of options? He polls the readers. One of the secrets to our success here at Coots is responding to our readers. So here, at this crossroads, the direction we take is entirely in your hands. Take the survey. Let us know what you think. And then we can proceed to do whatever we darn well please anyway, just like the politicians. So anyway, here is the survey.
What should we do about the Coots News Service?
- 3. Just let it out. I want to read a good rant. (100%, 2 Votes)
- 1. I love the CNS, don't change a thing (0%, 0 Votes)
- 2. I think the emphasis on good news is whimpy, get real (0%, 0 Votes)
- 4. Replace it with a podcast. (0%, 0 Votes)
- 5.Those are lousy. I will leave a suggestion in the comments (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 2

Let the rants rip. But look on the brighter side. If you were up ‘Shit Creek’, you wouldn’t need a pot to piss in.
So far, when we find ourselves up a creek, it hasn’t been shit creek but the way things are going, you never know. So, as always, I appreciate your positive advice.
Hansi is always full of…..something usually advice in the comments. I think we need field reporters who work/have worked in the correctional system (read this as Hansi) to work on the CNS.
This is an official call out. We need a post from Hansi and not just a snarky comment.
You can just snap your fingers and get Bob and I to jump. Hansi is a whole nuther kettle of fish. You are probably going to have to get him medicated first.
I think that the news is all about the bad things and its better to focus on the positive news just for a better life
Sorry Yaniv,
Your comment came too late to count – and you didn’t complete the survey. Still thanks for weighing in.