Jun 022014
Labor Day Parade, Union Square, New York, 1882...

Image via Wikipedia

Hello there!  Well folks, Bob has corrupted me.  I broke down and recorded a video.  Yes it has problems, but there it is!  if you want just the audio, I have that as well.  Enjoy the podcasts and the weekend!  Happy Labor Day!

Video is first!

[powerpress url=”http://cantankerousoldcoots.com/Podcasts/podcast9.mp4″]

And for the audio:

[powerpress url=”http://cantankerousoldcoots.com/Podcasts/podcast9.mp3″]

Show Notes or

Stuff I talked about:

JuicyMaters.com Live show Thursday nights 7 pm Eastern



The political Coot Page: Live Tuesday Morning, 10 AM Eastern

Hansi’s Hallucinations.wordpress.com


Justin is the young Coot with a Cantankerous Soul who continues to be educated by older, more cootish Ralph and Bob. His Cantankerosity is his own.

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  4 Responses to “Coots Podcast 9: Audio AND Video!”

  1. Justin,
    No need to choose! Do both.

  2. Damn your indecision! I do believe that videos in the future will be moving slides that denote cantankerousness

  3. Justin…I don’t believe I’d wear that shirt for the videos. When it’s a head and shoulders shot the color makes you look like an escapee from the local hoosgow.

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