Well after a rather spirited Thursday, we are staring right down the barrel of the weekend, and not just any weekend, but Easter Weekend. This is not going to be a diatribe about the origins of Easter, most of us should know that by now and this is not my Sunday School class, that was last week.
What I want to talk about today is the traditions that have sprung up concerning the holiday. Now, besides the religious part of Easter, the spring festival idea has given rise to the Easter Bunny, egg hunts, Cadbury Creme Eggs, and those damnable Peeps. This is what I am on about today.
The Easter bunny brings magical gifts to the boys and girls as well as hiding their eggs. I must say my favorite part of this aspect of Easter is the Cadbury Creme Eggs and the deviled eggs that come from the lovely colored things that the kids enjoy so much. But how much is too much? Easter does not rival Christmas for gifts but good grief Gertie, what do we have to spend on Easter presents?
So this is the part where you guys get to input. What have you done with your kids in the past or what do you do now? I can remember a few toys in an Easter basket and that was all. We would usually go down to my Grandparents house and spend Easter in the desert shooting or hunting for worm’s teeth so one year I got a brick (500 rounds) of .22 shells. That was pretty good.
But really, where do you draw the line and how much do you have to do for the kids? Or is it just the mainstream retailers that are nailing us again trying to get more money? I am putting a cap on the $$ that the Bunny get this year and it ain’t going to be much.
I would still love to hear your thoughts and what are your plans for the weekend?
Let me know in the comments or by email, USPS is too slow.
Have a Happy Easter.
Like at Christmas, I’ve broken the retail habit and make most of what I give as gifts at Easter…concentrating on fod and sweets of course.
I di make some other things as well, but I’m lucky I didn’t have any girls needing an Easter bonnet…I can’t sew worth a damn.
Just because you want your site to be like the Pioneer Woman doesn’t mean you want to be a pioneer woman eh?
When the kids were little, back in the 80’s, we colored eggs and hid them and some candy in the back yard. That was it. No gifts. We did just like our folks did with us back in the 50’s. You must have messed up.
No Doubt I have messed up somewhere. We did not give the kids a ton of stuff for easter this year….but they were still looking. I have spoiled them without really meaning to.
Justin….The wife asked me if I wanted an Easter basket this year. Being 64, I told her I could live without one…but a could of chocolate bunnies would be nice
Chocolate bunnies are always good Hansi. I like the Cadbury mini eggs the best though.
Well….we’ve been hiding and finding eggs for the past three weeks. Hubs and I are sick of it but the grands are still loving it. We didn’t spend anything this year except a couple of bucks for plastic eggs and a small bag of M and Ms. However, there is no telling what the parents of these grandchildren spent. We try to find a happy balance between fun and the signifigance of Easter. I think we do a good job. No one got new clothes. I wore my newest jeans to church. But….we do live in Alaska and it is a bit different up here.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment Roz. It sounds like fun having the grandkids and hunt after hunt. I do agree it is hard to balance the Bunny and the real event at Easter. We started a week before talking about the last week of Jesus’ life leading up to Easter and talked day by day about what happened that day. Except for Saturday when the bunny came. We did scale back from last year and the kids were a but disappointed. My wife did make dresses for the girls and a vest for my oldest son so they had some new clothes to wear to church and that was about it. I am going to come visit you in Alaska, we’ll all go to church in our best jeans.
Justin, my site CAN’T be like PWs. No Cows, no basset hounds, and no yoga pants.
I DO want to match her traffic numbers though. A 5200 Alexa would e welcome.
Typically for easter we give the kids a little basket of goodies and hide 7 eggs for each kid. There’s also usually some family time involved as well.