Jul 292014

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That darn Justin.

He sets me up the 200th post on Cantankerous Old Coots and gives me absolutely no warning. Plus the next scheduled post is our Coots News Service Summary. Not much room in that format to pontificate and blather about what it means to be a Cantankerous Old Coot.

One Year!

I’s just a bit more than one year that Coots has been open for business and it’s popularity still gives me pause. Everyone expects some philosophizing at a time like this. There must be some lesson here, something that we have learned over the year. Maybe there must but there is one, it escapes me.

I don’t feel any different.

I’m the same clueless old guy muttering in my corner- only I’m a year older, shedding brain cells by the minute. All I can do it look back at our vision when Coos got it’s start. When I decided to take mercy on Justin and keep him from falling flat on his face. I don’t remember what I was thinking with that first post. I don’t think I envisioned that one year down the road we would have built an audience.

Our Manifesto

I do remember thinking that it we ever expected Cantankerous Old Coots to be read, people would have to understand what it means to be a Cantankerous Old Coot. So I formulated out manifesto. I just reread it and it still makes a strong statement. Who ever imagined that I had that in me. But, to me, that’s the meaning of cantankerous. Digging deep inside and discovering all the spunk and spirit that you thought you had lost long ago 0r had beaten out of you by your job or just life.

Maybe it’s not much in the great big game of life but even a mild protest now and again can light some fires you thought would never spark again.

Do us a favor!  Please!

In celebration of the 200th post here at Coots, I’d like to ask every reader to do two things. First go back and read our first two posts at Coots, Justin’s introduction and our Manifesto- Sacred Cows and Sleeping Dogs. Then just take a minute and leave a comment telling us when you first discovered Coots. Even it its not your nature to comment, make an exception just this once.

And Thanks from all us Coots

Thanks on behalf of Justin, Bob and myself- Jen, too, wherever you have gone. It’s been a great year.



Ralph is the inspiration for Cantankerous Old Coots and is our Grand Duke of Cantankerousness

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  4 Responses to “The 200th Post at Cantankerous Old Coots”

  1. Congratulations…My son, Bad Deacon, turned me on to you guys after he set me up with my cheapo Word Press Blog last Thanksgiving. Well the rest is history, and keep comin’ back for more. Dan them bad habits 🙂

  2. Yep Hansi,
    We are just one more cheap thrill. Like your blog.

  3. I can’t quite recall, although according to Justin, I could be directly implicated.

    Which makes me either 1st, or 4th?

    Before Bob, to be sure, and that all that really matters.

    • You were on the original short list Dave, you were number 3 on the site when we first started. You are a direct influence for this site. I am not sure now if thanks or curses are in order. Still you are welcome to post anytime.

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