Nov 212012

Hello Folks, well first off, the bad news, there will be no podcast today.  Sick kids are not conducive to a decent recording session!  Unless you want to hear a lot of crying and screaming.  I could record that.  I am still going to shoot for a podcast this week though, look for it on Saturday.

Thanks, Justin


Justin is the young Coot with a Cantankerous Soul who continues to be educated by older, more cootish Ralph and Bob. His Cantankerosity is his own.

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  6 Responses to “The best laid plans….”

  1. Crushed. Absolutely crushed.

  2. Sick? Nah…kids saw the 14 comments on Monday’s post and decided to give ya an excuse…

    • this post was never really in the running, tomorrow however….. and at least 3 of those comments were yours Bob, so they don’t count. there are also 3 from Ralph and one from me so I am only looking at 7 comments that count.

  3. I thought we wern’t counting “back and forth”…that would mean at last one of yours and one of Ralph’s counts…it’s not back and forth on each person’s first Mr. Change-the-Rules-in-the-Middle-of-the=Game.

  4. I can’t hear you!

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