Nov 212012
Hello Folks, well first off, the bad news, there will be no podcast today. Sick kids are not conducive to a decent recording session! Unless you want to hear a lot of crying and screaming. I could record that. I am still going to shoot for a podcast this week though, look for it on Saturday.
Thanks, Justin
Crushed. Absolutely crushed.
Sick? Nah…kids saw the 14 comments on Monday’s post and decided to give ya an excuse…
this post was never really in the running, tomorrow however….. and at least 3 of those comments were yours Bob, so they don’t count. there are also 3 from Ralph and one from me so I am only looking at 7 comments that count.
I thought we wern’t counting “back and forth”…that would mean at last one of yours and one of Ralph’s counts…it’s not back and forth on each person’s first Mr. Change-the-Rules-in-the-Middle-of-the=Game.
I can’t hear you!