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Do you see what I have been reduced to this week? I am actually going to write a rant about another rant. My brain is getting soft this week, maybe I need to split up the podcasts.
So, the other day I was sent a link to this rant that I have reproduced below. The audio is not very good, it is not your speakers. The day that I received this link I didn’t have time to watch it right away. But I thought, hey, it’s a Bill Murray Rant it has to be good right?
I finally got around to watching it and was sorely disappointed. Not only was it an extremely poor rant, it was way to scripted and poorly acted. Not what I expected from a Bill Murray rant.
In fact, it was so bad that I had to go listen to my Denis Leary CD just to get my ears burning with a good rant or two.
What is the point and why would you want to watch this clip now? Well I don’t have a good answer for that. I think it is a case of an actor who can really deliver some lines in movies gets pegged to try stand up. And then doesn’t write it himself. There is just no soul to it. I don’t blame Bill Murray, I blame whoever wrote this piece of garbage.
I only agree with the line about R2D2 being a fine actor. Can’t go wrong with a Star Wars reference. Here is a tip from me to you, completely free but still a part of the Cantankerous Old Coots University. If you are going to rant on something, it had better sound real. You can write it out and memorize it but when you deliver it, it should sound like you are extemporizing and not like you are reading the phone book.
Check out Bill Hicks, Denis Leary, George Carlin and old Dennis Miller for how to do it right. If you are really adventurous, Sam Kinison awaits you.
Send in your questions for Ask A Coot Saturday and have a great weekend.
Bill Murrary. I won’t say it the way Woody Harrelson said it in Zombieland; but Bill Murray. What does he have to rant about? He,s got it made, and probably not eating dung like the rest of us.
That was a really old clip, from his youth, and only goes to show ya that true ranting is not the sport of young men, but for guys with some years and life experience behind them. George Carlin (R.I.P.) Now that was a guy who could rant; and people took notice.