Jun 112014

I don’t know  if this is a phenomenon local to Salt Lake City or not.  It seems that businesses all over the valley have been targeted for years by a group of protesters.

These protesters always have a large printed sign on a PVC pipe frame that declares in large red letters, “SHAME ON….” the business name, and “Labor Dispute” on the bottom. I have never been able to see a pattern to it or a reason for it.

These signs are attended by usually 3 or 4 people of various races, genders and persuasions.  Again, no real pattern to it.

Now I am all for Free Speech and the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution of these United States, but come on, When you start protesting the hospital that saved my baby girls life with 2 years of dialysis and then a transplant, you piss me off no matter what minimum wage, questionable legal right to work in the US,  labor dispute your tiny mind dreams up on  bottom shelf liquor and who knows what other substances.

I don’t know what their issues are, I can’t find out anything about them on the net.  And forget asking the protesters themselves, they just look at you an shrug like they don’t understand English.

You know I did see one of these signs outside of Disneyland last year.  I guess it is not local to SLC.  That was the guy I asked what they were protesting.  “Labor Dispute” was all he would say.

You know, go ahead and protest, just know what in the name of all that is holy  and right you are protesting about.  Or at least have some sort of….something on the net to tell me why I shouldn’t bring my right to bear arms in direct conflict with your right to assemble and freely speech.

I’m just sayin’



Justin is the young Coot with a Cantankerous Soul who continues to be educated by older, more cootish Ralph and Bob. His Cantankerosity is his own.

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  2 Responses to “Down with Protesters”

  1. They won’t tell you why? Can you have a labor dispute with only one side?

  2. There are so many instances that sometimes they end up winning.

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