- Image via Wikipedia
Would somebody please tell me just what carrying a fake designer purse has to do with keeping Americans safe?
How in the hell are we as a country kept safer…by interfering in the illegal downloading of Hip-Hop music?
The Department of Homeland Security showed its hand over the weekend, proving that it acts simply to assert power, not to keep us safe. It shut down over 75 websites…taking control of their domain names so they couldn’t simply move the site to other hosts…many of which committed the apparently terrorist act of selling counterfeit designer handbags…
…and allowing the downloading of pirated music.
Folks…government has come to the point that every action it takes is all about asserting control…total control…over everyone and everything.
Healthcare, the food supply…and designer handbags.
We are being made slaves folks. Make no mistake…when the government controls your food and your healthcare thy control…own…you; you become their slave.
So, the question is…are you going willingly to the plantation?
Related articles
- Feds Seize Domain Names (outsidethebeltway.com)
- US shuts down counterfeit goods, music sites (alternet.org)
- “What Next from the Department of Homeland Security?” and related posts (astuteblogger.blogspot.com)
- U.S. Government Seizes Multiple Domain Names and Sites (zacjohnson.com)
And there was me thinking the nonsense with the internet wasn’t due to start until tomorrow. Aren’t the FCC (or someone over there) trying to gain control of it?
Obviously you can put a gun in a fake designer purse.