My wife has come home with an interesting problem lately. If you didn’t know, and frankly from this website, why would you, she is a Nurse in the ER of one of the big hospitals here in Utah. The other day, her supervisor pulled her aside and told her that some of the “techs” were complaining that she was too hard on them and too demanding.
Now in this situation, a tech is someone who assists the nurses and doctors. The majority are going to nursing school or just working a second job. They get to do the mundane tasks and things that need to be done to *keyword alert* ASSIST the nurses in the nurses job. Some of these punks think that they deserve the same respect as the nurses, just because they are going to school to become nurses. I say Bah! They are subordinates until they pass the NCLEX!
Now, my wife is not a supervisor. She has no aspirations to be such. However, she knows her job and will utilize all of the resources need to do things at her job, like save lives, or diagnose STD’s. Some of those resources are the techs. Please note here that the JOB of a tech is to assist the nurses.
So, here is my wife being too demanding to people who are supposed to be helping her. She said if they are on the internet and just sitting around talking why shouldn’t she use them? I would have to agree. I wouldn’t even pander the petty-anny requests to say “please” and “would you mind” for most things. You see, I have a background in management and supervising. I have been trained to have people do their jobs.
I also have a father who was convinced that he was still in the military and, as such, required the no questions asked jump up and do what you are asked right now mentality. I still have that to a point, especially in the workplace when it comes to people doing their jobs. So, I ask you fair readers of the Coots, what would you do, or how would you advise my wife to react?
Me, I said we should watch Full Metal Jacket and get her in the mood for some no nonsense demanding of people to do what they should(Why you whiny little maggot!). That may get her fired but it is a good solution. If I was in the same situation I am sure I would demand that these people do their jobs. The old mantra from my restaurant days comes back, “If you have time to lean, you have time to clean.” They may not have anything to clean, but they sure as hell can find something to do instead of look at facebook or email.
I once sent a girl home early because she refused to work. The next day her daddy came in and yelled at me for being too hard on his little girl. I told him she could either do what she was supposed to do or find another job. he was pissed off but could not argue that point. I don’ t know how anyone can argue that point with my wife either.
Now I want to hear what you have to say about this. Do you think that people should just be able to float through work and barely do what needs to be done or do you think that they can always find a way to earn their paycheck? I want to hear some conversation on this. We are getting quite a few visitors every day and only Ralph and Bob comment with an occasional nugget tossed in by Steve. Heather did weigh in last week so she has a pass, but everyone else out there reading this, I am capturing your IP address and well………
Your wife’s techs should come to California. they would fit right in.
I respond when I have something to say. Lo – responding, so have something to say.
This is a fairly tricky situation, so for a moment I’m going to play devil’s advocate. Say she goes in and carries on like normal, or makes more of an issue about them not working – that’s not going to change things. People are growing lazier, agitating the waters is only going to make it harder to sail the boat (though, admittedly, more fun in some cases).
Worse, she may find them doing sub-standard work so that they’re not asked by her again. Work could become very unpleasant there very quickly.
I happen to agree with you – if you’re there to do a job, just do it already! There are ranks for a reason, and that’s to establish order. If you’re lazy at this stage, chances are, you’re going to remain lazy and therefore worth-less than your counterparts.
Though I will say that management being what it is, if she stirs things up even more SHE will be the one disciplined (yes, unfair). There’s bound to be procedures to follow for complaints within the hospital (its a starting point, that’s all I’m saying). Or better yet, if she could get a few minutes of face time with the owner of said hospital something would be done (either she’d be fired as a troublemaker, or, if said owner is reasonable, something may get done).
Her immediate supervisor clearly doesn’t have the balls to do anything about it beyond have words with her – so go on the offensive. But do it the smart way.
I can’t argue with any of that Heather. People are getting lazier. Society is telling us that we all need to be more touchy feely nice to everyone because heaven forbid if you get your feel bads hurt you can’t possibly work. If you have a job, that seems to imply that you have work to do. You should suck it up and do it. If you are one of those who tries to enforce some of the rules, yes you do get in trouble yourself. It is a sad state of affairs. Everyone talks about the rights of the workers and blah blah blah, what about the expectations of the employer? It seems getting fired is not much of an incentive anymore.
Thanks for commenting Heather, you have a pass.
Fun fact of the day about me – I refuse to work in a normal job unless desperate because of everyone else being dumb, lazy s.o.b.s. I get fed up shouldering most of the work!
Though, one place that’s not happened to me was actually in Canada over the summer (unpaid work experience). Don’t know if that’s a trend there or I got lucky, but there we have it.
The people here take lazy to a whole new level – its amusing, and depressing.