Down with Smart People

 Posted by at 11:03  Down with
Feb 232015

Smart People are always wrong
One thing I have learned over my lifetime is that everything we think we know is wrong. And if you don’t believe it, just wait ten years and compare what you know to be true now with what you knew to be true then. After a while it all blurs. I think it was in the 80’s when the smart people were saying that we were headed for a new ice age. If you notice, it didn’t happen. Then recently those same smart people were telling us that the climate was changing and that we were all going to burn up if we don’t go live in a cave. Last year was the coldest winter on record for some time. Then there was the Club of Rome back in the 70’s that said we were running out of resources and that civilization would run into the ground by the 90’s. We haven’t heard much from those folks lately either and it you notice despite the prodigious efforts of our politicians,.civilization is still keeping on.

Education affects their brains in bad ways
It seems that education somehow affects the brain and causes people with too many degrees to believe that they actually know something. And the worst part of it is that once they convince themselves that they are on to the truth, it becomes their mission to make sure that stupid people like you and me don’t mess things up. If they had to rely on their own abilities, the world would be safe, because these smart people, by and large, are not very powerful. They use big words. They write incomprehensible reports and they don’t like to mix with the common folk. Lucky for them, the government is so entrenched in the funding of research that our elected officials buy into their agenda like hogs at a trough.

Politicians are like drunken whores- they bend over
Politicians are not smart, they are canny. They suck up to their constituents and try to reflect the character and opinions of their districts. But they really want to be with the smart people and so they will bend over like drunken whores to get included in the smart people gatherings. This bending over usually involves legislation that forces us to do whatever the smart people think will solve the big problem of the day. The smart people love it when they can make us stupid ones behave and so to accomplish this aim they will put up with the politicians even though they aren’t smart. Tale Al Gore, for example.  Watch him for 5 minutes and tell me that he is smart.

Today too many people think they are smart
In the past, this situation stayed under control because most voters were quick to vote out of office, anybody that went off the reservation. Not so today. Higher education has become so available and so perverted over the last 20 years that everybody thinks they are one of the smart people because they went to college. Nobody tells them that learning to be an accountant is just like learning to be a plumber or an auto mechanic. Accountants are considered special because they went to college while plumbers are just tradesmen. With so many people going to college which has been downgraded to trade school, there are just too many people who now think they are smart. And these pretend smart people no longer use common sense to make judgments. They listen to the real smart people or worse to the bent over politicians. So now there is nothing to check the egos of the smart people and the whoring of the politicians because common sense is considered stupid.

Smart People and Politicians are a deadly combination
What I know now is that unless something changes we are doomed to live in a world where we are required by law to conform to whatever new doom predictions the smart people devise. They will continue to be wrong, although one of the prerogatives of being one of the smart people is that they never have to say they are sorry. They just stop talking about the old problem and start talking about the new one. The problem is the regulations and legislation to save the world from the last crisis will not go away and our freedom and opportunity becomes smaller and the power of the smart people becomes ever more oppressive.


Ralph is the inspiration for Cantankerous Old Coots and is our Grand Duke of Cantankerousness

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  5 Responses to “Down with Smart People”

  1. Well done Ralph, Well Done.
    .-= Justin´s last blog ..I Stinkius… =-.

  2. I concur.

    In college myself (as I’m sure you’re aware) but to be honest its ridiculously easy… not to mention what high school is like now. ‘Introduction to research’ as a third year subject? (people around 14-15 years old) No thank you very much. Can remember crying when I saw that one!

    That said, home education (while definitely better on a social level) wasn’t a whole lot better. Perhaps if being smart wasn’t so prized and people were less vain (yea, right) this would be less of an issue. Oh well.
    .-= Heather´s last blog ..Well then… Spiders on drugs. =-.

  3. Thanks Heather, Not everybody in school is stupid. There may be hope for us yet.

  4. We have been degenrated into animals – I wonder why.

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