Oct 252013

Good Monday Folks!  Well the time is upon us, fall.  Kids everywhere are headed back to school in droves, from elementary students to college students.

We here at Cantankerous Old Coots are following suit in a way.  We are opening the Cantankerous Old Coots University! Yes today brings in a whole new era in the pursuit of Cantankerosity.

The Coots University will be your ultimate source for all things Cantankerous.  Forums to discuss cantankerosity and lessons to bring out your inner coot will be paramount.

Today We release the first set of lessons in how to be a Cantankerous Old Coot in the finest of PDF EBooks.  This set of lessons is absolutely free for the time being when you sign up for our mailing list.  Plus anyone who signs up for said mailing list between now and Labor Day (September 6) and the first day of Autumn, September 23, will be on a list to receive special discounts on tuition as well as other goodies as they come along.

Our first set of subscribers is very special.  Become one of the students at Cantankerous Old Coots University today and you will be well on your way to becoming part of the faculty.

Thanks for being part of our community!

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Justin is the young Coot with a Cantankerous Soul who continues to be educated by older, more cootish Ralph and Bob. His Cantankerosity is his own.

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  One Response to “The Coots University is open!”

  1. It is an exciting event for Cantankerous Old Coots and people who aspire to be Cantankerous Old Coots everywhere.

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