- Image via Wikipedia
Ha! Got you on that one didn’t I. Truth is I love football and now that it is back, albeit in preseason, the world is a better place, the planets are aligning and peace is coming. But not amid NFL fans.
Here is what I am on about today. My )(**&^^&*&&*^&^%*(&^*^&%*()_(*^%^&(*&%^$% kids and their complaining about me watching football. I have choice words for them. It is not like they have been raised from the womb to be football fans. Not like some of the first outfits they ever wore bore Bronco blue and orange. Not like the first phrase I was trying to get out of them was “Go Broncos!”
It is not even like they don’t have jersey’s to wear for games! They just complain. One goes so far as to complain about fishing but that is another post.
Granted this is just pre-season today. There are 3 more preseason games to make them come around. Or not. I really don’t care as long as they don’t thwart my viewing.
I anxiously await more football. For now, I want to go fishing. But I have to get some money made. Have a great Monday and look for a special promotion next week!
I think those two 0’clock feedings are getting to you!
the two oclock isn’t bad, it’s the 4 and the 6 and the 7 and the 830…..
Damn! Are you raising a lineman?
it sure seems so these last few days….Tackles and Guards pay pretty well…
But for a few more years, the food is on you!
I am already working on deer season and elk season to feed both of my boys. rabbit season is a month away, I am headed there too. And of course fishing season is still going on strong.
Goooo Giants!
Bah to the Giants!
Waiting for that special promotion you promised
There are so many special promotions here at COC that it took me a while to find the one referenced. You will find it here. http://cantankerousoldcoots.com/1583/the-coots-university-is-open/