This will be painless!

 Posted by at 13:05  Uncategorized
Mar 182014

Despite a healthy readership here at COC, we’re flying blind when it comes to knowing our readers.  This is principally because we don’t get feedback or comments.  There could be many reasons for this state of affairs ranging from:  ‘What can I possibly add to this wisdom?’ to “This is so ridiculous that it doesn’t warrant a reply.’   You can understand how guessing wrong might put this whole operation in peril but Coots are either stubborn,  fearless or stupid and we persist.

How often do you visit

It is apparent that we have no way to get comments from our readers so, in lieu of comments, today I’m requesting that each and every visitor to this blog answer just one question in our simple survey.  It’s a small and painless step that I hope you will be willing to make to help the Cantankerous Old Coots get a better handle on our readers.  Our desire is that when you discover how easy and painless it is to answer one survey question without revealing who you are and exposing yourself to the possible embarrassment of admitting that you read COC, you might be willing- down the road- to take a further step and leave a comment to encourage us about a post you like or tell Bob he is full of crap.  Heck, what is life all about if not for dreams?

We will assume that any readers who do not take the survey landed here by mistake and quickly fled in embarrassment so our conclusion from a low response will be that COC is not providing valuable content and must be re-worked.  Justin will go ballistic, Bob will have a snit fit and disappear again and I’ll be busy repositioning COC as the go-to site for curling aficionados.  It’s tough enough around here as it is.

Please take the survey.

How many times have you visited the Cantankerous Old Coot Blog?

  • I check out the site from time to time (100%, 1 Votes)
  • This is my first time. (0%, 0 Votes)
  • I'm a frequent visitor. (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 1

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Ralph is the inspiration for Cantankerous Old Coots and is our Grand Duke of Cantankerousness

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  2 Responses to “This will be painless!”

  1. I think that this poll is such a great idea to call your readers to action and take the time for commenting. Blogging is a two-way communication channel which looses its sense when the process of sharing/getting feedback (posting-commenting) doesn’t work any more.I hope we all will be more active;)

    • Sonia,
      Thanks for you comment (and participating in the poll). In the end, blogging is entertainment and what entertainer can hit bulls eyes without response. How long can a stand-up comedian continue performing to an empty house?

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