Feb 232015
North America at night - Satellite image - Pla...

Image by PlanetObserver via Flickr

What the???? It is already Friday?  Wow where did the week go.  Now, I know the title of this post is going to make people think I am jumping on Bob’s political bandwagon and talking about Political parties but I am not that sophisticated.  The parties I speak of are actual parties, with people invading your house and spilling punch on the rug, kids who drop cake on the floor and that rogue ice cream cone you find the next day on your nice table and are just thankful that it is on the marble part and not the wood part.

Yes, parties can suck.  They sound like a good idea but they are entirely too much work for me.  Plus there are people coming over and judging you to the enth degree and looking down on your decisions and…well that is just my parents.  If you haven’t guessed by now, we are going to have a party on Saturday.  I am not looking forward to it.

Party may be a stretch to say, but a reception with cake and punch ends up being the same thing.  And family will be there.  Some of which we haven’t had any contact with for months.  Some who should have at least called during the turmoil of the past couple of months.  But enough about my Father.  It will be interesting to say the least.

See, my son is getting baptized into our church on Saturday and this is one thing that I don’t think Grandpa will miss.  Birthday’s and major catastrophe’s are not important enough but this just may be.  We will have to see.  I may have another great post for next week all about it.  Monday may be interesting around here.

On a side note to that, Bob has found that his video posts are very time consuming and he has way too much life to live over the weekend to not stay up all Sunday night getting a post ready.  He will be moving his videos to Tuesday.  I think I have finally figured out what to do with my podcasts as well.  I now have a garage and I am going to build me a little studio in there to go hide   record in.  I am going to shoot for next week on Thursday for a podcast!  Just audio though, I still am just lukewarm on video.

On another disjointed side note Pink Floyd is not bad for writing too.  Throw on “The Wall” and start a rant….not bad.  And I am not even on anything…..

So back to parties.  They sound like a good idea but I think I would rather go to a party than host one.  Leave my house alone and save your derision for someone else.  It is easy on the net to let things roll off of your back.  It is easy to dismiss any evil that is given to you via email or a comment.  It is another to sit in relative silence and deal with the eye rolls and nauseated yet sarcastic phrases that are spat out.

I have respect for my elders and I will always respect my Father for being my father.  I just don’t want to talk to him right now.  I am hoping that he doesn’t show up, but that is a horrible thing for him not to be to his Grandson’s big event.  I am afraid that there will be a shouting match and more people than should will end up in tears.

What a $#@&ed up situation.  In general, take your parties and count me out, I don’t need the stress.  I had better make sure my migraine pills are handy.

For all of you, have a good weekend, or go to hell.  I don’t know that I care right now.

See you next week.




Justin is the young Coot with a Cantankerous Soul who continues to be educated by older, more cootish Ralph and Bob. His Cantankerosity is his own.

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Oct 102011

I would like to thank Ralph for keeping the Coots afloat for the last little while.  He has done a very Cantankerous job! Now for today, another lesson.

Wednesday Ralph was writing about email and the evils of so much garbage threatening to overwhelm us.  This week I have taken a new stand with that.  I just don’t give a rat’s ass about it.  I click select all and scan down the list for things from my mom or the government and then delete the whole damn list.  It has been nice to have an empty inbox. Am I missing some things?  Probably.  Do I give a rat’s ass about it?  NO.  There is a tie in and a lesson in one.

There has to be a point where you just give up caring what other people think and do what you need to do. I had that realization a while ago when it comes to my family.  Now, I will be 36 next week and it has taken me almost all of that time to finally let go of my Father’s tyranny and not care about his opinion any more.  After his hesitancy in having anything to do with my daughter after her kidney transplant (she was 3 when she had it!) to not coming and seeing his newest grandson for over a month, I don’t give a rats ass anymore. I will still be respectful, but I just don’t care about his hold over me any more.  That may be a sad statement but I have finally grown up or at least more Cantankerous.

A very large part of the Cantankerous Old Coot Not Giving A Rats Ass lesson is this, you are your own person.  You have the right, nay the obligation to be your own person.  There has to be a point somewhere in your life where you take a stand and say, “I am me.  NO one can push their thoughts and ideals on me.  I will be me and I will take control of my life and my own family, my way.”

That is not an easy thing to do.  It is necessary.  So your homework this week is this, go find something that is stealing control of part of you.  Find it, look at it lovingly, and smash it to the ground!  Literally or figuratively I don’t care, but be sure to yell at it, “I don’t give a rats ass about you anymore!!!”  You will feel better and you will start to let go of the things that are keeping you down, weather it be family or email.  Quit giving a rats ass and you will be better off.


And really, when this article was bein written, Zemanta put up a bunch of pics of Ralph Nader.  Is he a rats ass?  I don’t give a rat’s ass about him but I really don’t need to see him littering up my sidebars.  What another bunch of crap I am done caring about.


Justin is the young Coot with a Cantankerous Soul who continues to be educated by older, more cootish Ralph and Bob. His Cantankerosity is his own.

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