Down with Travel

 Posted by at 11:02  Down with
Feb 232015

This will be short

and too the point today because it’s that time again. This Coot is getting ready to travel. You would think that I’d be an old hand by now with the amount of traveling we have done in the past two years. You would be wrong. I’m old but it seems that each trip is just as unsettling as the last. When we started I worried about what I didn’t know about traveling. These days I worry about what I do know. You just can’t win.

What I do know is that traveling sure beats staying home and twiddling your thumbs watching reruns of Law and Order. Some people get upset at the cramped airplane seats and terrible food. I just grin and bear it. I finally got my Doctor to give me something to make me sleep.


Just one of the fabulous sights in Peru.

We’ve had out share of disasters. I’ve been robbed and pick pocketed multiple times. My wife left her passport on the plane. We’ve waited hours for buses that never came and taken the wrong direction from time to time. Somehow it all worked out. Have I learned any lessons? Definitely. Have I learned how to do better? The jury is still out.

So Friday,

my wife and I set out for Peru on a four city marathon. Our past trips were all one city stays but Peru seemed to demand a more complicated trip. We start with a few days in Lima and then fly to the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu. Then on to high altitude Cuzco and finally to the beach at Huanchaca. The complexity of the arrangements is daunting- well maybe I exaggerate. We have it all booked. What could possibly go wrong?

Maybe I’ll post some pictures on the trip. Maybe I won’t. Everyplace we are staying claims to have internet. Stay tuned.


Ralph is the inspiration for Cantankerous Old Coots and is our Grand Duke of Cantankerousness

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  One Response to “Down with Travel”

  1. Nothing beats the happiness and enjoyment that one can feel when he experience to travel to different places and encounter a lot of interesting and beautiful scenes. – Kris Krohn

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