Apr 042013
Old Gestapo Prison in the EL-DE Museum

Old Gestapo Prison in the EL-DE Museum (Photo credit: Aaron Olaf)

You HAVE to act on this, folks. You just have to.

Today’s video is a bit longer than normal…a few second shy of 30 minutes…but it is important. Very important if you are a little boy in Utah.

Today I’m just going to tell you a story…a story about a mom, her little boy, a vindictive ex-husband, and an abusive government official who thinks she is above all control.

Now…let’s see if I can piss you off enough to get you taking action:

Folks, I ALWAYS ask you to take action. That is the point of my videos…to get you to take action to help take out country back to the constitutional republic it is supposed to be.

Today I’m not asking…I’m begging. This case has become personal. I get that way when kids are involved. Few people on earth are as worthless and sub-human than someone who messes with kids, be it a pedophile or an abusive government Gestapo agent like Amber Ruder. Call. Please call. Call Ruder because the type of person who will abuse children like she has are cowards and cannot stand up to public pressure, SO BRING THE PRESSURE. She has no problem making a mother’s life a living hell…so return the favor until she does two things:

First and foremost, she backs off and quits torturing Katerina and Donny.

Second, she loses her damn job. Filth like her have no business having ANYTHING to do with children…ANY children. We can only hope and pray she doesn’t breed.

Here is the shyster bottom feeding pond scum’s contact information:

Amber M. Ruder
Guardian ad Litem, Attorney
Fourth District
32 West Center Street, Suite 205
Provo, Utah 84601
(w) 801-344-8516
(fax) 801-344-8597
Click here to email the waste of oxygen.

Here is the contact information for the judge handling the case now.

Apparently the judge in this case is as good a person as it is possible for a judge to be, which is not very good (OK…I have a real problem with lawyers…). Be polite, but ask that the judge to remember that courts are supposed to be courts of equity, as well as courts of law. Ask her to replace “legal system” with “justice system”, in this case and in ALL cases.

Also, ask the judge to sanction Miss Gestapo for contempt for not complying with the judge’s order. You would be found in contempt, and I would too…so should Agent Ruder.

Clerical Department for Judge Mary T. Noonan
4th District Juvenile Court – Orem
99 E Center Street
Orem, UT 84057

Wendy Matheney – 801-724-3820
Crystal Tua’One – 801-724-3802
Sandra Willard – 801-724-3811
Christine Wilcox – 801-724-3810

Related documents

Mother’s Day card
Letter from ex-husband’s bankruptcy attorney
Email from Amber Ruder, Miss Gestapo 2012, to Katerina 

Police reports:
Police report number 1
Police report number 2 
Police report number 3 
Police report number 4

Department of Children and Family Services documents:
DCFS letter to judge, page 1
DCFS letter to judge, page 2
DCFS case summary 
DCFS case disposition 

Court order:
Page 1 
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5 
Page 6 
Page 7

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Bob@HayleStorm Interactive

Bob comes to us with a skeptical attitude and a full cup of Cantankerousness. He also writes about homesteading and yurts over at JuicyMaters.com and rants about politics at Common-Sense-Conversation.com Most of the time, though, you'll find him at HayleStorm.net, cranking out great websites for clients OR writing tutorials teaching them to build their own sites.

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  One Response to “Add social services to anything for a toxic brew”

  1. I am disappointed in you Bob, along with your brother toothless Bob (TB). The only Gestapo tactics I see have been perpetrated by the Bob twins. Misinformation, personal attacks, childish name calling?

    The both of you site evidence that is not there. In fact, using your opinions as fact and reading in information that is not contained in the listed documents is a blatant lie. The both of you lack integrity, honor and I have to ask how you illegally obtained these documents. I am sure as long as you break the law to promote your agenda, the both of you are fine with your criminal, liable and slanderous behavior.

    I expect this kind of behavior from your sheepish followers, however the two of you are another story.

    In addition, your readers might want to understand something. Threatening a Government Official, whether at the state level or federal level is illegal. I am sure all the email that have been sent to Ms, Ruder threatening her are being collected as evidence.

    I am sure there is something in the Patriot Act to deal with the neglectful actions of the twin Bob terrorists.

    By the way, TB? I wont be coming back, ya hear?

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