Sep 122012

It’s the moment of reckoning.

An April fool in Denmark, regarding Copenhagen...

An April fool in Denmark, regarding Copenhagen's new subway.

So now to find out which story is fake, Iv’e linked the stories to the headlines from yesterday.  Click your pick and see if you are a winner.

Man claims attack by lion, saved by a bear

Predator Shocks Jogger


432 Park Avenue Will Reach 1,397 Feet, Taller Even Than the World Trade Center 

Happy April Fools day from all the Coots.

  • Hank D and the Bee: April Fool (
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Ralph is the inspiration for Cantankerous Old Coots and is our Grand Duke of Cantankerousness

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  4 Responses to “CNS Followup- Are you a winner?”

  1. I didn’t win..LOL…Well I hope you can post more and update your site…We all enjoyed this!

    • But Adriene, you didn’t share your guess or which one was Bob’s contribution. You’ve still got a chance to win.

  2. LoL That one with the tiger was really funny:) I can’t picture myself that the jogger had been scared by this cute toy:)

  3. Julie,
    People are amazing.

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