Today a Video

 Posted by at 04:47  rants
Sep 212013

Today you don’t get a rant.

One thing and another and I just didn’t manage to get my thinking to congeal around a post today.  Still, Wednesday is my post day and so for a fallback I prepared a video.  All things considered, by the time I got the editing done, I might as well have written a post.  Still, with each one thing and another, I am getting more familiar with my new video production software.  Today is more of a whine than a rant but if you like the blog, then give us a heads up about what is working and what isn’t.

If you have never left a comment, then just say hello down below.


Ralph is the inspiration for Cantankerous Old Coots and is our Grand Duke of Cantankerousness

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  6 Responses to “Today a Video”

  1. I think you should do these kind of videos every once in a while.

  2. Larissa,
    Thanks for your encouragement. I like the video format. I’m just not always sure that I have anything to say.

  3. This is a really cool video. it looks good and it interesting. when you talking from your hart evertone will listen and answer too. for me it’s the first time here so I can’t really answer you. I’m sure that any person would say something different about why he comes here. but it’s a good question.

  4. Anna,
    If you liked this video then come back and check out more from the Coots. We try to tell it like we see it- we’re often deluded into thinking that we see it like it really is. And we love it when you leave a comment.

  5. Ya’ kinda had me worried there for a minute, Ralph. I figgered the liking Bob and not liking Ralph was gonna be followed by something along the lines of “…no accounting for taste…”.


  6. Bob,
    You mean I actually had you worried?

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