“A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water.” Carl Reiner
Coots don’t expect much!
When you are a Cantankerous Old Coot, you don’t expect the world to do you any favors. Age and experience teach that if it is possible for something to go wrong, then it will go wrong. More likely than not- very, very wrong. One of the excuses people make for living in California is that snow is optional. Unlike most of the rest of America, Californian’s can be sure that the only snow they see is the snow they wish to see. That’s been my story for over 30 years. Why change t now?
All those years without snow can produce a selective blindness about the reality of snow, a naive innocence encouraged by too many Hallmark Christmas cards and perhaps a touch of senility. As a result, my family decided to vacation in the snow.
And sometimes what they expect is entirely wrong.
The idea was that March would be an ideal time to enjoy the beauty of the high Sierra snow with none of the inconveniences. Typically, the snow holds on at the end of Winter but the snowfall stops keeping roads clear and the air warm for any winter activities..
This year Mother Nature had different ideas. Our plans for ski lessons, snowshoeing, snowmobiling and fishing went awry after the first day. After one day out and about enjoying the beauty and planning the rest of the week, the blizzard hit. Each day new snow and freezing temperatures kept us cabin bound. We experienced the full impact of winter during the rest of our short 5 day trip. Each day marked another foot of snow on our cars, hot tub and picnic table. Each day we watched the snowplows block the driveway until the cabin owner arrived to clear our path. Each day we watched the news, hoping for a break in the weather that would free us from confinement. It didn’t come.
I have renewed respect for Mother Nature.
Finally as we reached the end of our vacation, I was able to shake off the wonder and recognize that snow is a worthy and irrepressible opponent. It had gained control over our lives and would show no mercy. I rediscovered that even the soft fluffy flakes that looked so beautiful in the palm of my hand were lethal in a pack. I remembered my misadventures driving in snow when I was much younger. I remembered getting stuck and fighting to keep from collisions on icy roads. And I decided that it was time to return to my snow-optional home a mere 70 miles away.
Snow is fine. I just don’t need to be in it.
Snow is beautiful. Snow makes winter sports possible and quite interesting when you are watching on TV. Snow is a helpful tool for storing Winter precipitation for Spring and Summer release. But fun in the snow is not a necessary component of my happy life
Snow is just another four letter word for me. Right up there with Work. It’s nice o look at, even visit briefly, but something one definitely doesn’t want to live in.
I was prepared to give snow a chance but it seems that Mother Nature just has no sense of fairness. Give her an inch and she will give you three feet.
Call AlGore and ask him to send some global warming next year…
First, we’ll have to see if there will be a next year- it’s 2012 you know.