Oct 192013
If you have read almost anything on this blog you will have noticed that we have some pretty strong opinions. Bob just joined us recently because his opinions fit right in with Ralph and I. Today, we are going to take flight in a new direction. Podcasting. There is a very special announcement in this podcast….you have been warned.
Justin…glad you are going to try podcasts. I’ve been thinking about them for occasional posts over at JuicyMaters.com and it will be nice to have COC for beta testing…LOL.
Podcasts go against one thing that I think is important to drive traffic…visual appeal. That little bar with a “play” button just doesn’t impress. There has to be a way to give a podcast post visual appeal…think about it. I am.
that is a great point, maybe some pictures should be required. I have no desire whatsoever to get into video posts, but Ralph was kicking the video idea around the block. Maybe the visual aspect is why those are getting so popular. Maybe I should figure out how to code some nice looking play buttons for the posts… with cantankerous themes….
Pushing the envelope. I likeit.
For the countdown I’m going to guess the first NASA launch. No idea on the other quotes though sadly (without going to Google, and that’s just not fair!).
As for the podcast – group rants! Or you could have guests in to do interviews (there’s a way to do this through skype) and ask questions that are likely to get onto heated topics (though obviously not at you). Even rants by yourself could be ok, but since there are already three authors on the site why don’t all of you get involved?
Visual… give me a shout. It’s kind of what I do. lol
Bottom line – keep the podcast, though don’t do it every single day. I like the written rants too.
I need to get you involved here Heather. We are currently working on ideas for structure, still up in the air but I am thinking just the weekly podcast for now. Interviews are a good idea..how far ahead in time is Scotland from the US?(hint, hint) hmmmm I have to think….
thanks for the tips and ideas. BTW launch sequence is generic and there have been no other guesses! I would have thought Ralph would have guessed Peter Lorre for the rest but he tooo Cantankerous to do so. I will have more guess the quotes in the future, it is fun to mix in old movies
But don’t I have to be old to be a coot?
Kidding. I read the mission statement. Depends on the part of the US for timezones… I know that British Columbia (yes, Canada) is 8 hours behind normally, right now its 7 because of the whole summertime thing, but that only lasts a week. Check in on world clock?
Although, isn’t it bad luck to involve all of your commentors in the site?
As for quotes… they’re fun, and usually I’m much better at guessing them. Even while hampered by my inability to hold onto names of famous people (unless trying really really hard. No joke). Make it a game, it’d be fun.
I could involve all of the commneters on the site every day…mostly that is Bob, Ralph, you and Steve Scott! Dr Doolin drops by once in a while. There are not many others.
You have a point there. lol
I could always record my bagpipe rendition of “Amazing Grace” to open podcasts with, that I start each day with, standing on my front porch in my underwear…in decent weather, of course. I refuse to play the pipes in my underwear in a freezing rain…
And you play the pipes???? You are just layer upon layer of interesting. Amazing Grace I think was written to be played on the bagpies. Gives me chills every time. I have got to get to Georgia…
You know, in Edinburgh there’s always at least one guy in the main street playing bagpipes… sun, rain, snow, doesn’t matter – he’s there. And pretty good.
Amazing grace is a tricky bugger though (especially to sing, in my opinion).
I play the pipes, but poorly. There is a saying about the pipes. “Practice playing the pipes for 10 years, 20 for some people. THEN we will know if you will ever be a bagpiper.”
Everyone who knows me knows thay my only wish when I die (for real, that is. I’ve alrady pretended to die twice) at my funeral I want a solo piper on a knoll playing “Amazing Grace”…at sunrise. I’ll find out who my friends REALLY are…make ’em get up early for my funeral…LOL.
Heather…I love the pipes, but there is no way I’d play in frezing rain. For one thing it’s too damn hard to keep ’em in tune in cold weather…
A Beaton here, sept of Clan McBeth.
McBeth or MacBeth? (it makes a difference, really!)
Not sure what clan I am to be honest, I’m sure someone told me at some point but I really don’t remember, hang on while I look it up…
Apparently I have a choice of three for my mothers maiden name; MacKintosh (which sounds familiar), MacPherson, and Cameron of Erracht. Two of the three mottos are ‘Touch not the cat without a glove’.
Ahh the Scottish connections… Matthews is sept of Matheson. I have my clan crest plaque on the wall right above my computer. Fac Et Spero!
McBeth. the royal’s physicians. Beatons are also occasionally associated with…wrongly…McLeods.
Small world, I actually know a couple of McLeods.
How do you tell if a bagpipe is in tune?
Before this Celtic lovefest gets out of hand, I’d lke to suggest that the Scots would be wusses without the infusion of Viking blood.
Actually we’d be fine if the vikings hadn’t done the invading for the English then buggered off when the Romans showed up. The Celts were scary
Actually it’s not the Viking blood. We’re just pissed the culinary world hasn’t taken a hankerin’ to haggis. Wonderful stuff.
Scots hyped up on bagpipe music are so fearsome that the bagpipes were declared illegal and a weapon of war by chickenshit English.
Bagpipes…the only musical instrument ever declared a weapon.
The Scots are the ones who, when they had all of their weapons taken away, chose to use rocks and then invent Golf. I don’t like golf myself, but it has taken over much of the world. You know someone was sitting there saying, “OK no weapons, but I still want to hit things with a stick…” and then he had some haggis. I like haggis myself. I was at a Scottish festival a couple of years ago and I think I ate a whole one myself.
Actually, it’s just that non-Scots are considerate enough to lets the Scots have it all.
Actually the Scots are freakin scary… you should see the history of Edinburgh during the dark ages.
Haggis is awesome though
I was just trying to say the Scots were always creative when it came to the need to adapt to their situation. Any people who can decide they have had enough and kick out the Vikings and then the English not to mention the Romans have to be scary. Of course it takes them some time to get around to kicking them out but still….
Oh I know, I was agreeing
The whole Edinburgh thing was on my mind because of the Ghost tours.