Today we welcome a new contributor to the coots! Some female cantankerousness should be good for us.
She goes by the moniker Gurl, is on twitter @southrngurl6489, and is in reality, Jen Jinright! Check out her blog at
Take it away Gurl!
So many people I know, myself included, have a million excuses as to why they can’t reach their dreams. Their dreams may even be something smallish, like getting a moderately priced item that is a need.
Why, oh, why do we sabotage ourselves with excuses when we should be looking for how we CAN instead of why we CAN’T? Its nothing more than fear. Why not give yourself a big self esteem boost and face that fear head on…and beat it? Even if you don’t reach your dream, you will learn from the attempt. Then the next time you can avoid the mistakes you made the first time..and the second time…and the next time. If you keep trying, you will eventually get there.
What fears are holding YOU back? When will you decide you want the life you dream of instead of what others think you “should” want? When will you make that first baby step to finding out that dreams can and do come true?
I made my first step about a month ago, and I’ve not looked back. I know I have a long, hard row to hoe. However, I also know I can and will succeed. I am giving myself no other choice, which I believe to be key in reaching your dreams. Giving your self permission to make mistakes but NOT permission to give up (unless you find that dream really doesn’t suit you, of course).
Take that first step today! Stop making excuses and look for the reasons why you can and will find the dream you’ve been hiding from for so long. Then think about what steps you need to get there, so you can take the next step tomorrow, and the third step the next day..and so forth, until you reach that mountain top. I’ll be the one cheering for you along the way Otherwise…you will always be a loser, and you don’t want that do ya?
So nice to get more voices over here at Coots. Sometimes, I have to confess that even though Justin plays those kettlebells masterfully, I’ve found that, unlike cowbells, sometimes you can have too much kettlebell.
Kicking yourself in the butt is good and we need a good kick in the butt here at Coots but now that you are no longer a stranger, welcome back anytime – and next time, feel free to kick somebody elses butt just as hard. It’s what we do here.
.-= Ralph´s last blog ..Wake up and smell the – Iris =-.
I have to agree with Ralph that some mix up is a good thing. And butt kicking Cantankerousnes is what we are going for.
.-= Justin´s last blog ..Kids songs and Dirty Lyrics =-.
Not to mention cantankerosity!
.-= Ralph´s last blog ..Wake up and smell the – Iris =-.
Thanks ya’ll
I am sure I will be back, ranting even harder. I appreciate the chance to get this out there.
.-= Gurl´s last blog ..Four “Scary” Movies I Love =-.
Sweet, its the end of the sausage-fest!
Excuses suck. Great seeing you on here. Post was good too
.-= Heather´s last blog ..Practical 3D Tips #1: Save Incrementally =-.
LMFAO @ sausage fest! Its good seeing you here too, been seeing you around other places a lot
Thanks for the kind words, it felt good to get that out of my system when I wrote it! 
.-= Gurl´s last blog ..Review: Blogger Beats =-.
Ok seriously you guys, you need a way to subscribe to comments!
Anyway… yes its been awesome getting to know you from my lurking wanderings
Glad you had fun getting it out.
And nesting comments is nice too… It can all be set in the normal WP admin stuff…well at least the nesting can
Totally agree on the email on new comments!
.-= Gurl´s last blog ..Why Blogging Scares Me =-.