Feb 102015

Tuesday I read a great post by Frank Kern. He talks about doing things for yourself and being your own Guru. There should be no one you can blame for your own failures.
In society today there are far too many people who feel that they are entitled to money or things that they don’t work for. It is a load of horse crap. My generation is the beginning of that “hey look my hand is out give me something” mentality that frankly makes me sick.

Certain family members that I have are so bad that I would love to see a huge cosmic slap in the face come to them. Sure charity is a good thing but if you do nothing yourself, nothing for yourself and do not work hard for what you have you can neither appreciate it or be grateful for what you have.

Hold your hand out to me and I will probably fill it with bullshit because that is what you deserve.  Ask me for help to accomplish YOUR goals, I will bend over backwards to do so.

Read Franks post here and realize that it is all up to you so quit whining and get to work


Justin is the young Coot with a Cantankerous Soul who continues to be educated by older, more cootish Ralph and Bob. His Cantankerosity is his own.

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  9 Responses to “What do you mean I have to be…Responsible??”

  1. You are getting me worried, Justin. You are starting to sound like my father.

  2. Don’t bat on your generation too much Justin. It was mine and the one before me that gave us the “great socity” and welfare cadallacs. Yours has just taken the shit we started and spread it around to a wider audience.

    There WILL be a day of reckoning for all this, and I expect it to b sooner rather than later. How bad that reckoning is CAN be mitigated, IF we finish waking up instead of going comfortably back to sleep.

    • Here Here, but for now I think it is only getting worse. The head turning and pandering to this kind of people is only compounding the problem. I really hope we, as a collective country, will wake up and realize that we need to get back to the hard work ethics that actually built this country and built the wealth that let to the entitlement in the first place! It is a vicious cycle…

      Thanks for being part of the discussion Bob, when are we getting that guest post?

  3. Justin, we are awake. Th question is will we stay that way or will we figger our job is done and go back to sleep on November 3? My CommentLuv isn’t working for some reason but go to this URL for thoughts on that:


    Make no mistake…I think a return to the Great Depression is inevetable, and will arrive within the next 12-18 months…but if we stay awake we can minimize the depth and severity of it.

    It’s not a problem for me. I live on paid for land in a paid for house…er, tent…er, yurt…and I need very little that I can’t get without commerce, but I feel for folks who aren’t prepared for, and aren’t TRYING to prepare for, the possibility I might be right.

    BTW…don’t buy gold. You can’t eat it and no one will trade their food for it in my scenario because they can’t eat it either. If you want some of my food you better be ready to barter with something I NEED, and that’s not gold.

    Off my soapbox.

    Guest post? Sure. What topic? I’m an expert on alcoholism, know a fair amount about cooking, homesteading/self-sufficiency, and yurts, I bloviate well on political issues, and can sling pretty good bullshit on most other topics. Which one?

    • I think people would be very wise to learn how to fend for themselves when the end comes. I like your point about gold…looks good but won’t get you ver far when the banks fail. I am studying up on gardening both inside and out and how to grow food and process it without electricity. Could be important in the future.
      As for guest post, whatever you want to rant about would be fine! I will add you to the Consortium and you can post whenever you want.

  4. Pot farming will be big once the election is past.

  5. GREAT new look. When it popped up I almost thought I had gone to the wrong place before I read anything.

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