The Heat is HERE! Or is it?

 Posted by at 11:02  rants
Feb 232015

This summer thing keeps coming up, year in and year out.  I guess it can’t be avoided in climes this far above the equator, so I either have to move to Alaska, or deal with summer.  Here in Utah, we live in a desert.  Sure it has been irrigated and settled to have trees and reduce the appearance of a desert, it is still technically a desert.  That means in the summer, temperatures are routinely in the upper 90’s or low 100’s.

Kolob Finger Canyons, Zion National Park.

Kolob Finger Canyons, Zion National Park. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Usually that is not bad, it is as they say a dry heat.  Humidity is usually around 20%.  This late spring, early summer the temperatures have been all over the place.  One day it hit 95, the next barely made 74.  It was upper 80’s for 6 days and today as I write this at noon, it is just over 70.


I am confused really.  Usually it gets hot here and stays that way instead of jumping all over the thermometer.  I don’t know what to make of this.  Maybe it is global warming….well probably not.  What do you guys think about summer.  is it a good thing or a bad thing?  Hot or not?  What is your choice?  Personally I like it cooler.  And I am not going back to Florida anytime soon.


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Justin is the young Coot with a Cantankerous Soul who continues to be educated by older, more cootish Ralph and Bob. His Cantankerosity is his own.

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  One Response to “The Heat is HERE! Or is it?”

  1. Justin,
    I understand you are confused. But complaining that it is hot in summer? It’s supposed to be hot in Summer and the fact that it doesn’t have to be 96 degrees everyday is a blessing. Not to worry. I like complaining too- especially when life is normal but still annoying and inconvenient but that’s not why I’m taking my valuable travel time to comment here. Well maybe my time is not so valuable now that it is raining but back to my point. You offerred readers a chance to comment telling them that comments were open below but below offered no opportunity to comment. The only way I could find to comment was by clicking on the zero comments indicator at the top of the post.
    Other than that, good to see you back in the game.

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